Obama's Overlooked Lie

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Obama's Overlooked Lie

Unread post by Tertius »

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - In fact, according to the Food and Drug Administration, NO Planned Parenthood facilities are licensed to perform mammograms.

"When Gov. Romney says that we should eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood, there are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for not just contraceptive care; they rely on it for mammograms, for cervical cancer screenings. That's a pocketbook issue for women and families all across the country, and it makes a difference in terms of how well and effectively women are able to work," Obama lied.

In reality, no Planned Parenthood facility in the US even has mammogram equipment.

The FDA regulates and licenses mammogram facilities in the US, and such machines cannot be owned and operated without an FDA license. The FDA records indicate that no Planned Parenthood facility has such a license.

Planned Parenthood does, in fact, refer women seeking mammograms to other, non-Planned Parenthood facilities.

So, why the lie?

One can only speculate, however based on past statements, including the HHS edict issued last year requiring private and religious employers to provide contraception and abortifacients to women for free, on demand, shows how badly misguided Obama is.

Either we must accept that the President looked every American in the eye and told them a direct lie, which is not only unbecoming, but also evil, or we must consider the possibility that he simply does not know better.

Obama's faith, whatever it might be, does not properly inform him of the importance and primacy of life as an issue.

Rather, the President sees life as beginning at birth, against all understandings of human biology and he refuses to see otherwise. Furthermore, he is using the man-made, artificially contrived "right to choose" as a means of soliciting votes.

In reality, we do not have a right to choose beyond which point we engage in activity that may produce a child. It is our Creator who then chooses life for us. This is what natural law, reflected in biology, tells us.

Ultimately, Americans must carefully decide who they want in the Oval Office. Do Americans desire a man who is either evil, or so poorly informed and misguided that he cannot help but do harm? Or do we desire someone who is at least informed by a faith that is consistent with natural law on the issue of life?

The answers to such questions are fundamental and profound. We would do well to consider them very carefully before stepping into the voting booth this November.


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Re: Obama's Overlooked Lie

Unread post by Tertius »

Silence is agreement. See I just knew we all could agree Obama is a lying about something.

Now don't we all feel so much better. Now vote the lying SOB out!

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Re: Obama's Overlooked Lie

Unread post by O Really »

Well, if he said one could get a mammogram at Planned Parenthood, he was obviously mistaken.

On the other hand, you'd have to look at some of the Planned Parenthood sites pretty closely to know that when you start with pages like these...

http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health ... -21195.htm

http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health ... -21195.htm

http://womensissues.about.com/od/reprod ... ograms.htm

It seems pretty unlikely from anyone other than one who thinks the President of the US is a total idiot that he would intentionally "lie" about something so easily checked and about an organization he counts as a supporter.

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