A Nutjob A Day

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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Hey, that will give Perry three years to remember which departments
he wants to get rid of it. It's a tough job, but I think he can do it.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

Hell it's only Monday, but why not go full nut right away?: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Uh, Libs do understand that when it all goes down, the dreamy eyed utopians
are simply a hindrance, scheduled for a quick trip to the gulags. Trotsky types
don't win, the Stalin types do. The first libs who play a starring role in a show
trial, will probably be standing their with a disbelieving WTF running through their
brains, as they're found guilty and marched down to one of the execution cells.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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Dangerous stupid, I guess.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Little girl what does that section in bold mean to you?

"Despite the fact that no deaths had been reported at the time of his posting..."

I realize you are just the opposite side of the coin from the CPF wing nuts but when are you going to realize it? The fact that you're dead wrong and are still insistent on harping on the part of the statement that wasn't even the main point is more evidence of autism. Your inability to understand non-literal language such as hyperbole, generalizations, analogies, etc. is evidence. Your incessant need to break down every phrase of every post and respond, often missing the main point is evidence. Your pathetic need to have people tell you you're right, even when you're wrong is evidence. Why not just admit you're autistic? There's no more shame in it than there is you're being gay. It is what it is, and it explains why you have such difficulty communicating with so many different kinds of people. People would probably have more patience with you if they understood your issue.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Bungalow Bill wrote:Hell it's only Monday, but why not go full nut right away?: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Uh, Libs do understand that when it all goes down, the dreamy eyed utopians
are simply a hindrance, scheduled for a quick trip to the gulags. Trotsky types
don't win, the Stalin types do. The first libs who play a starring role in a show
trial, will probably be standing their with a disbelieving WTF running through their
brains, as they're found guilty and marched down to one of the execution cells.
True. Everyone should do some refresher reading on the French Revolution every now and again.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

The nutters should probably do a little refresher course on, oh, the history of
everything. Their knowledge of the past is just about as bad as their knowledge
of the present--and that ain't good.

We'll never know, but Trotsky might not have turned out to be much of a
sweetheart either.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Vrede wrote:Big Baby Stalinist Ombudsman, it means:

That you were a dumbass, as Roland Deschain posted, for even suggesting that Solar was premature given what we already knew at the time;
That you were a vulgar child for then suggesting that Solar and Roland Deschain are sex partners because Roland Deschain pointed out the obvious to you;
That you were a "poor stupid fool" for going far beyond Solar's correct assumption in assuming that Roland Deschain was defending Solar's incorrect conclusion on KXL;
That you again assumed that Roland Deschain was defending Solar's incorrect conclusion, and again accused him of being in Solar's thrall;
That you again accused Roland Deschain of being a CPF apologist merely because he stated that a single Solar observation that you chose to question was obvious;
That you were by then in so deep that you pretended not to notice that my own guess was proved correct when Roland Deschain posted that he doesn't "give a flying frig about Keystone pipeline";
That you again assumed that Roland Deschain was defending Solar's incorrect conclusion, and accused us both of being "illogical" when all we'd done is say that Solar, amazingly, did post one uber-logical guess and your questioning of it - now 13 dead and climbing - was the height of "illogical";
That you were a "moron" and Stalinist, again, in attacking me for pointing these things out;
That you couldn't see that your childishness and weasel-ish irresponsibility when wrong make you so akin to CPFers;
That you again called us "illogical" and "emotional" for defending the logical and tried to cover for your by then lengthy stupidity by asking, "When's the wedding?" Guess what, dummy, Roland Deschain and I probably also agree that the sky is usually blue;
That you spoiled your own reasonable attack on Solar by having too delicate an ego to just post, "Yeah, people died and that was a good guess by Solar that I shouldn't have attacked nor should I have attacked those that knew that Solar was correct. Now, let's discuss Solar's wingnutty conclusion from it," once the rising death toll was known;
That you continued your whining with accusing me of being the immature one;
That you then adopted the idiotic strategy, as everyone here no doubt knows, of suggesting that I'm a fan of Solar;
That you called me "clueless" when the whole issue was that Solar for once in his life had a clue about something that you were utterly "clueless" about;
That you are still unable to admit that your questioning Solar on the one issue was foolish, thus making you as unaccountable as any CPFer;
That you revert to your boring and incorrect Stalinist accusations all because you are incapable of ever manning-up when you flub;
That you post your uninformed speculations as to my sexual orientation out of your pathetic desperation;
That you think you should or will be let off the hook after erring so mightily, responding so nastily to your error being pointed out, and being too much of a baby to demonstrate even a shred of personal responsibility for the mess you, solely, created for yourself.

18. Wow, that's way more dopey moves than even I would have guessed. Thank you for asking (19), now run away, Ombudsman, run away. It'll be my pleasure to keep posting on it until the full tally of the deaths and the consequent demonstration of Solar's accuracy, this time, and your incompetent, ignorant and irresponsible opps is known. Or, you could just grow up. Win-win for me.
Nothing batshit crazy about that response. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Vrede wrote:It's a lucid and 100% accurate response to your own question, and certainly nowhere near as "batshit crazy" as your initial stupidity and your lengthy and continuing running away from how stupid it was, hysterically laughing Stalinist.
Don't you have a more original ad hominem? It thought home schoolers were supposed be geniuses with obscure words.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

I haven't seen two of the few fairly rational posters on CPF in a while. Not sure if they
are taking a break, have been kicked off, or just realized how crazy these folks are.
They were by no means liberals, just conservatives who would often mention just
how kooky some of the more nutty theories posted there were. The nutters didn't take
kindly to this display of common sense. Now it's mostly wall to wall craziness.

The Obama is Nixon meme seems to be fading. One of the crazies had an icon that
had a pic of Obama morphing into Nixon and then back again. Now it's gone. So
much for the "scandals." Awww.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Paranoia will destroy ya

From some cat on CPF named daidalos:
File my taxation every year, on the same thing my disability.

Only this year I get a letter from the IRS stating my return is being "reviewed".

Only thing different in my life. I recently became a mod at a conservative political forum.

Things that make one go hmmm.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Vrede wrote:50 Likely Died In Quebec Train Disaster, Officials Say

16 hours after the accident there were very few Nutjobs in Canada or the US that imagined it possible that none had died, far fewer still that said so publicly. Ombudsman was that Nutjob's Nutjob.
Vrede appears even more gleeful than her pal Solar that so many people died in this tragedy. Truly shameful.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Vrede's pal Solar now has his panties in a wad over the conviction of a black man who killed white women claiming the media covered it up even though the only reason knows anything about it is because the msm reported it.

http://www.cbsatlanta.com/story/2090251 ... e-shooting
I guess the media is right when they say there is a war on women, but is being waged by the leftist media, and covering up a true racially motivated killing by a nut that learned to hate in college.
So a black guy kills someone, is convicted, it's reported in the media and poor Solar thinks this is evidence of a "leftist" media conspiracy. Looking forward to Vrede's impassioned defense of his wing nuttery.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Solar appears to be getting his talking points from Stormfront.


http://conservativepoliticalforum.com/p ... y-further/

Now he's revised his comments about the MSM covering it up and is complaining that it was only reported by the media in Atlanta. Wow, what are the chances a local murder will only be reported by the local media?
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Taxed "Criminals need to be met with consequences when choosing to make these decisions, and not turned into heroes, simply because they're black or young. If you choose to attack others, your life value plummets to zero. Why is that so hard for you to grasp?"

Interesting how different his standard is for half white guys than for black teens.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Old man Quiller, career socialist, states: "If the DOJ can go after 'white Hispanics' after they are acquitted, then WE can go after Barry Soetoro and force him to prove he legally changed his name to Barack Hussein Obama. We can undo every single act this trash ever committed after fraudulently taking office."
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

A little weekend stupidity from the Land of the Clueless. They actually think
they're the silent majority; more like the loud, but moronic, minority. Seen
as fringe kooks? Now just why would that be?:

More conservatives have to get involved in pushing these people. If they only get calls
and emails from liberals, or liberals pretending to be conservatives, that's how they view
the American people, and what they want.

Ted Cruz said it...they live in a bubble. Our input is all they have to go by. Right now,
conservatives are thought of as fringe kooks.
We have to stop being the silent majority;
it's not working. :sad:

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by neoplacebo »

You'd think they'd have a goddam chart that shows the goddam ratio of braking force to number of cars and cargo. Maybe I should invent one.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Jesus, now old man Quiller is actually gleeful that Helen Thomas has passed.
Racist trash Helen Thomas dies at 92

Jew-hater extraordinaire Helen (I Really Wanted that Wicked Witch of the West role) Thomas has finally left the building.

http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/20/veter ... ies-at-92/
Solar's response:
Meh, one less lib in the MSM...
Roland explain to your boy that Thomas retired from the "MSM" three years ago. Don't bother explaining she was just as tough on liberals and conservatives alike. I'm not sure that fool can handle any more cognitive dissonance.
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Roland Deschain
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Roland Deschain »

Ombudsman wrote:Jesus, now old man Quiller is actually gleeful that Helen Thomas has passed.
Racist trash Helen Thomas dies at 92

Jew-hater extraordinaire Helen (I Really Wanted that Wicked Witch of the West role) Thomas has finally left the building.

http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/20/veter ... ies-at-92/
Solar's response:
Meh, one less lib in the MSM...
Roland explain to your boy that Thomas retired from the "MSM" three years ago. Don't bother explaining she was just as tough on liberals and conservatives alike. I'm not sure that fool can handle any more cognitive dissonance.
Grow a pair, log in, and tell him yourself coward.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Roland Deschain wrote:
Ombudsman wrote:Jesus, now old man Quiller is actually gleeful that Helen Thomas has passed.
Racist trash Helen Thomas dies at 92

Jew-hater extraordinaire Helen (I Really Wanted that Wicked Witch of the West role) Thomas has finally left the building.

http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/20/veter ... ies-at-92/
Solar's response:
Meh, one less lib in the MSM...
Roland explain to your boy that Thomas retired from the "MSM" three years ago. Don't bother explaining she was just as tough on liberals and conservatives alike. I'm not sure that fool can handle any more cognitive dissonance.
Grow a pair, log in, and tell him yourself coward.
As you well know, he doesn't allow those who disagree with him to log in. You make a good lemming.
Wing nuts. Not just for breakfast anymore.

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