Education thread

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Re: Education thread

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Vrede too said, Is it "out of context" or context revealing?"

Without any other info, it's neither.

Your understanding of his other wingnut affiliations provides you with a different view of the photo. You see it as just more of the same.

In no way am I saying that you are wrong there. I only said that without your other evidence an out of context photo doesn't necessarily mean any more than fox showing Biden being snubbed by Obama, or wandering off stage.
Remember all the photos of Obama, or Bush hold a hand over him stomach during the Pledge? It could have been as he raised his hand to his heart and probably was.

I'd rather hear more about his hillsdale and other rightwing sajak antics. What I read about the photo said she came uninvited to his table and asked.

All in all, I bet he's not a big fan of Greene’s type of space laser "conservatism" hate.
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Re: Education thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:09 pm
... All in all, I bet he's not a big fan of Greene’s type of space laser "conservatism" hate.


Seems pretty hateful to me.
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Re: Education thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:25 pm

Seems pretty hateful to me.

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Re: Education thread

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O Really wrote:
Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:34 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:25 pm

Seems pretty hateful to me.
Where's the repudiation of EmptyG if he was ambushed and was just being congenial? She's modern day KKK.
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Re: Education thread

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O Really wrote:
Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:34 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:25 pm

Seems pretty hateful to me.
Pretty sure he doesn't want to get fired, but it's telling.
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Re: Education thread

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So it appears that Hillsdale wasn't much different from any number of other religion-owned schools until they made a big deal out of refusing all federal funding to avoid doing the reporting/paperwork involved in compliance with Title IX (I think). Then they glomed onto Trump. Depending on ones own point of view, social/education/religious philosophy there is much to be criticized about Hillsdale, but overall they aren't the total demonic crazies I had expected. They're not Westboro Baptist Church.

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Re: Education thread

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O Really wrote:
Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:55 pm
So it appears that Hillsdale wasn't much different from any number of other religion-owned schools until they made a big deal out of refusing all federal funding to avoid doing the reporting/paperwork involved in compliance with Title IX (I think). Then they glomed onto Trump. Depending on ones own point of view, social/education/religious philosophy there is much to be criticized about Hillsdale, but overall they aren't the total demonic crazies I had expected. They're not Westboro Baptist Church.
:think: Westboro is just a 1A lawsuit scam, not a movement. Tiny Hillsdale instructs and inspires one or more governors and other christofascist leaders.

Speaking of demonic crazies, over several years in the 1980s I traveled the 175 miles to protest the Aryan Nations white supremacists who were active in Kootenai County. Now, they run the show.
The MAGA-fication of North Idaho College

... “It’s pretty much a dystopian farce,” said Kathleen Miller Green, an assistant professor of child development who attended the nearly six-hour, capacity-crowd meeting at the school’s student union building Feb. 22. “It’s laughable if you don’t have to live it.”

Rick MacLennan, a former president of the college who was ousted by the trustees in 2021, describes the school as “a canary in the coal mine” — a warning of what awaits local institutions across the country as fiercely partisan and disruptive cultural battles spread into new corners of public life. He and other critics of the trustees see parallels with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ efforts to remake New College, a state-run liberal arts school in Sarasota, Florida, as a conservative bastion.

What’s different about North Idaho College, however, is that local voters have more directly driven the change — and the results have been less ideological overhaul than organizational chaos.

In Kootenai County, a magnet for conservative retirees from other states where Donald Trump won 70% of the vote in 2020, most public institutions and services are overseen by directly elected trustees. That means that Republican activists and voters, who increasingly see even once-benign institutional authorities as a threat to their values, are in a position to do something about it.

The clash over the college began in 2020 when, after the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, the school’s diversity council issued a statement expressing support for social justice demonstrations, including Black Lives Matter protests. The statement caught the attention of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee....
An ivory tower bastion of intellectual Marxist “indoctrination”? No, "a community college of 4,600 students, one better known locally for its technical training programs". Even here. :roll:

The Cult .45 loves the uneducated.
There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.
— Part III, Chapter III, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Now you see and understand why our nation is filled with rigid minds that can only function with the little knowledge given to them. The US is breeding ignorance and robots they can use.

The GOP is dragging the US in the gutter. We are going to fall behind most countries.
I have never seen so many brains become petrified while they were still in people's heads...
Let the experiment continue. I've always thought that if somehow we could magically separate conservatives out to their own planet, they'd end up eating each other. Them bankrupting and closing a college for magatawd reasons would be proof of concept to me.
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Re: Education thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Thu Mar 23, 2023 10:56 pm
... I live in a state that wants to teach children about how we taught the poor ignorant negros and Indians how to be civilized and gay people should be stripped of their rights, and that is all there is about that, so they should just shut the fuck up.
Christofascists gone wild, art is filth:
Florida Principal Out After Viewing Of Michelangelo's 'David' Upsets Parents
One parent reportedly called the masterpiece "pornographic."

The principal of Florida’s Tallahassee Classical School is out of a job after parents complained that their sixth-grade children were shown Michelangelo’s 16th century “David” sculpture, with one parent calling it “pornographic,” the Tallahassee Democrat first reported....

The board of the charter school decided Monday to give the principal the choice to resign or be fired after less than a year in the job. She was the school’s third principal since it opened in the fall of 2020, per the Tallahassee Democrat.

The move comes as conservatives in Florida and elsewhere battle to step up their input in primary education.

Michelangelo’s marble sculpture of the Biblical figure David was crafted between 1501 and 1504, originally commissioned for an Italian cathedral. It now resides at the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence....

(school board chair, Barney) Bishop explained he was lobbying for legislation that would give parents even more input in primary education.

“Parental rights trump everything else,” Bishop said. He added that the pandemic’s remote teaching gave parents a clearer window into their children’s education and prompted some to choose schools like Tallahassee Classical.
No, educated children trump everything else.
“They didn’t like the woke indoctrination that was going on,” he said.
:roll: billy.pilgrim's tax dollars at work.
Carrasquilla said many other parents and faculty members were upset about her ouster and have been reaching out with support.
Tough, one christofascist prude wins.
The Tallahassee school is a public charter institution that focuses on classical learning, a teaching philosophy centered on a traditional Western liberal arts education that aims to impart critical thinking skills children can use throughout their lives.
Classical art not included. :x
Classical learning is also popular within the Christian homeschooling movement.

The Tallahassee Classical School is affiliated with Hillsdale College, a conservative Christian institution that has sought to expand its influence over the last decade by helping set up public charter schools. Hillsdale briefly cut ties with the Tallahassee school in early 2022 for not meeting improvement standards, but it later regained affiliation.

Hillsdale has raised funds for the charter school network by pledging to fight “leftist” and “distorted” teaching of American history, such as the lessons about slavery contained in The New York Times’ 1619 Project, the newspaper reported last year.
We've discussed dinky RW Hillsdale because Fascist DerSantis cites it and Pat Sajak is on the Board.
“We don’t use pronouns,” Bishop said. “We don’t teach CRT and we don’t ever mention 1619 — those are not appropriate subjects for our kids.”
:puke-left: Exactly as billy.pilgrim says.

Moron, "We We we those" are pronouns. Bishop would fail 3rd grade grammar.
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Re: Education thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Yep 1501 was such a progressive time.

Private schools are just fine and have existed throughout our history without public tax dollars. These schools were created to steal from and destroy our public schools. Sure, they can cite successes here and there, but they won't openly discuss consequences.

This deceitful method to destroy public programs is also destroying Medicare with our public tax dollars going to support privatizing Medicare. And it's working, even dems voters are buying into bush's plan to privatize Medicare and our politicians are silent about the effects, just as our politicians have accepted private schools and churches taking tax dollars, they have accepted the return of health insurance for the elderly to big insurance an89679922&utm_sourced their waste, advertising and 30% profits.
Even Medicare's website and various publications promote the wonders of Medicare Advantage.

The reply from most dems is, "but it works for me"; omitted is - but it won't work for my children and grandchildren.

The more insidious of republican plans are far sighted in implementation as seen in their destruction of public schools and Medicare and promotion of the long range expansion of Hillsdale College.

Fuck you shrub.
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Re: Education thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Mar 24, 2023 9:00 am
Yep 1501 was such a progressive time.

Private schools are just fine and have existed throughout our history without public tax dollars. These schools were created to steal from and destroy our public schools. Sure, they can cite successes here and there, but they won't openly discuss consequences....
Most charter school statistical "successes" are the result of cherry-picking students:
No special needs programs;
No troubled kids allowed;
Selective recruiting of kids even if actual admissions are mandated to be fair;
The need for parental transportation of the kids creating race and class barriers, etc.
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Re: Education thread

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So what I don't understand about all this book/art banning (among many other things) is that even if you accept the premise that parents should have a major voice in what is taught and available, why does any one or two parents have such veto power? Why don't the review boards accept a demand to remove some book, consider it, and respond something like "this book is in many if not most school districts in the US; it's been in this school for over 5 years; we haven't had previous or other complaints; we're not removing it, go fuck yourself" (well, maybe not the last part)

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Re: Education thread

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O Really wrote:
Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:58 pm
So what I don't understand about all this book/art banning (among many other things) is that even if you accept the premise that parents should have a major voice in what is taught and available, why does any one or two parents have such veto power? Why don't the review boards accept a demand to remove some book, consider it, and respond something like "this book is in many if not most school districts in the US; it's been in this school for over 5 years; we haven't had previous or other complaints; we're not removing it, go fuck yourself" (well, maybe not the last part)
You're describing how rational school boards should behave and many do just that. However, many other ones have been captured by christofascist assholes like school board chair Barney Bishop, a real life dinosaur. They then heed the creepy fringe parents, not the majority.

Ftr, the article confused me. I thought Bishop was chair of the District School Board, but he's actually chair of the Tallahassee Classical School’s Governing Board. In other words, he was installed by the christofascist parents that want their kids attending Tallahassee Classical.


Tallahassee Classical is part of the Leon County School District, but District governance looks to be pretty hands off.

Its new Interim Headmaster is a Liberty "University" grad and is "active in a local church."
Its Director of Operations and Food Services Director homeschooled their children.
It has a Discipline Coordinator who is also a Children’s Pastor.
Its Facilities Manager is an Alabama football fan, Roll Tide.

It's pretty clear that Florida and Leon County taxpayers are funding an xtian madrassa.
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Re: Education thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote:
Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:53 pm
O Really wrote:
Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:58 pm
So what I don't understand about all this book/art banning (among many other things) is that even if you accept the premise that parents should have a major voice in what is taught and available, why does any one or two parents have such veto power? Why don't the review boards accept a demand to remove some book, consider it, and respond something like "this book is in many if not most school districts in the US; it's been in this school for over 5 years; we haven't had previous or other complaints; we're not removing it, go fuck yourself" (well, maybe not the last part)
You're describing how rational school boards should behave and many do just that. However, many other ones have been captured by christofascist assholes like school board chair Barney Bishop, a real life dinosaur. They then heed the creepy fringe parents, not the majority.

Ftr, the article confused me. I thought Bishop was chair of the District School Board, but he's actually chair of the Tallahassee Classical School’s Governing Board. In other words, he was installed by the christofascist parents that want their kids attending Tallahassee Classical.


Tallahassee Classical is part of the Leon County School District, but District governance looks to be pretty hands off.

Its new Interim Headmaster is a Liberty "University" grad and is "active in a local church."
Its Director of Operations and Food Services Director homeschooled their children.
It has a Discipline Coordinator who is also a Children’s Pastor.
Its Facilities Manager is an Alabama football fan, Roll Tide.

It's pretty clear that Florida and Leon County taxpayers are funding an xtian madrassa.
An excellent reason to accept that Jeb bush is evil and if ever elected president, this would be the law of the land.

The Tallahassee Classical School is affiliated with Hillsdale College, a conservative Christian institution that has sought to expand its influence over the last decade by helping set up public charter schools. Hillsdale briefly cut ties with the Tallahassee school in early 2022 for not meeting improvement standards, but it later regained affiliation.

"Hillsdale has raised funds for the charter school network by pledging to fight “leftist” and “distorted” teaching of American history, such as the lessons about slavery contained in The New York Times’ 1619 Project, the newspaper reported last year.

More and more christians have become a hate group.
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Re: Education thread

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So we're not just beating up on Florida, closer to O Really - Temecula, CA:

Black Man Who Spoke Up at Critical Race Theory Workshop Asked To Be Removed
A Black man who spoke up at the workshop shared that a white woman told him to leave the country, and in response, a trustee asked him to be removed instead.

There's this airhead:

:roll: :puke-left:

Temecula is:
55.6% White (49.3% non-Hispanic White). They feel their dominance slipping away;
In the US House represented by RepuQ Darrell Issa :roll: ;
In the Leg represented by RepuQs;,_California
It is 25.2% Dem, 47.6% GQP. ... gistration
With the town being minority non-Hispanic White it's a certainty that the student body is even more Hispanic and non-White given relative birth rates. However, the Temecula Valley Unified School District Board is 100% White and only one member has a Hispanic surname. Sigh.
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Re: Education thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Oh my god, rightwing snowflake shuts down college class because their feelies took were offended while studying the Civil Rights Act.
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Re: Education thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:34 am
Oh my god, rightwing snowflake shuts down college class because their feelies took were offended while studying the Civil Rights Act.
The Night Riders would be so proud!
:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

A possibility: The class was tame and an anonymous (read cowardly) White supremacist student took the class just so s/he could claim "discomfort" and get it shut down. I partially blame the school. Someone has to stand up to Fascist DerSantis.

Another possibility: The student was failing, hence the sudden and convenient "discomfort".
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Re: Education thread

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Ban the Bible!
@cadescove wrote:They've got a real point.

[twitter url=""]
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Re: Education thread

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Yeah, I know it's for humour value, yeah, I know some may be fictional, but this is a very clear picture of education and application of ummm, "logic"

(all on one page, no click-through. ... art-h0/#34



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Re: Education thread

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:54 am
Ban the Bible!
@cadescove wrote:They've got a real point. ... 6345126912
There you go, billy.pilgrim, an opportunity and mission for you in DerSantistan. Ban the Bible! It's filled with smut and violence aimed at grooming children.
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Re: Education thread

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Vrede too wrote:
Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:53 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:54 am
Ban the Bible!
@cadescove wrote:They've got a real point. ... 6345126912
There you go, billy.pilgrim, an opportunity and mission for you in DerSantistan. Ban the Bible! It's filled with smut and violence aimed at grooming children.
It's starting to get a little traction over there. The usual native nutjobs are getting restless.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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