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Re: COVIDiots

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Nearly one-third of Americans believe a coronavirus vaccine exists and is being withheld, survey finds

... Twenty-nine percent said it's either probably or definitely true that a vaccine that prevents coronavirus infection exists and is being withheld, according to the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape Project. An even greater percentage, 32%, said they believe treatment that cures coronavirus infection exists but is being withheld. Around 7 out of 10 Americans said those statements are untrue....

Forty-eight percent of Americans said the U.S. is "concealing" the number of coronavirus deaths – a sentiment that's more prevalent among Democrats. More than half of Democrats, 55%, said it's probably or definitely true that the number of deaths is being concealed, while 38% of Republicans said it is likely so....

35% of Americans said they believe the coronavirus is probably or definitely being "exaggerated" for political purposes. Forty-four percent of Republicans said they believe this; 26% of Democrats said they do.

39% said it's definitely or probably true that people 30 years old or younger are less likely to get infected by the virus. This outlook is most prevalent among people 44 or younger. Although young people have a far greater ability to recover from the disease, they can get infected just the same.

36% said they believe the coronavirus is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu for people under 30 years old. This outlook is most prevalent among people 44 or younger.
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Re: COVIDiots

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'We did our time': Colorado restaurant defies state order, reopens to packed crowds

... The owners of C&C Coffee and Kitchen, a breakfast cafe in Castle Rock, Colo., opened its doors to patrons on Sunday in defiance of Colorado’s public health order that limits restaurants statewide to takeout and delivery services.

Crowds packed the restaurant, located about 25 miles south of Denver.

And in a viral video taken by a local news reporter, it appeared that virtually no one was practicing social distancing. And just one customer could be seen wearing a mask.

(“ATTENTION: Our freedom doesn’t end where your fear begins,” a sign on the cafe’s front door read. “If you are afraid to be within 6 feet of another person, do not enter this business!”)

”We are standing for America, small businesses, the Constitution and against the overreach of our governor in Colorado!” the Castle Rock cafe wrote in a tweet, tagging Trump.

In response, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis announced Monday that the state was suspending the restaurant’s operating license for 30 days “until it’s established that there is no longer a threat to public health.”

“We all have laws that we agree with and laws that we disagree with,” Polis said. “But it’s our responsibility as Coloradans and as Americans to follow the law.”

“It’s very sad when businesses operate illegally and workers lose jobs through no fault of their own,” Polis continued. “Some businesses might face costly court battles or even worse, the deaths of owners or patrons....
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Re: COVIDiots

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Re: COVIDiots

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue May 12, 2020 6:48 pm
Ulysses' hood just got a lot more dangerous:

Elon Musk Defies Coronavirus Shutdown Order, Reopens (Alameda County) California Tesla Plant
"Fuck a bunch of Elon Musk" California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D) voiced her frustration with Tesla CEO Elon Musk's announcement that the company would be "restarting production today against Alameda County rules." :lol: :-||

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Re: COVIDiots

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O Really wrote:
Tue May 12, 2020 6:55 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Tue May 12, 2020 6:48 pm
Ulysses' hood just got a lot more dangerous:

Elon Musk Defies Coronavirus Shutdown Order, Reopens (Alameda County) California Tesla Plant
"Fuck a bunch of Elon Musk" California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D) voiced her frustration with Tesla CEO Elon Musk's announcement that the company would be "restarting production today against Alameda County rules." :lol: :-||
Elon should have had some of his workers out front with AR-15 rifles and Confederate flags. If he'd done that, the GOP operatives from the surrounding area would have mounted a media and delusional bullshit campaign on their behalf....sort of an armed intimidation type of gig.

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Re: COVIDiots

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O Really wrote:
Tue May 12, 2020 6:55 pm
"Fuck a bunch of Elon Musk" California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D) voiced her frustration with Tesla CEO Elon Musk's announcement that the company would be "restarting production today against Alameda County rules." :lol: :-||
I love the southern San Diego rep's spirit, but "Fuck a bunch of Elon Musk" almost sounds like animal abuse :o .
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Re: COVIDiots

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed May 06, 2020 3:42 pm
Congress insider trading inquiry looks 'particularly damning' for Senator Burr (R-NC), expert says

NC represent!

Lock him up! Is it possible that we could oust Burr and then defeat Senator Tillis (R-NC) in Nov? If so, that's more than half of what's needed to give the Senate to the Dems. I can dream.
FBI serves warrant on senator in investigation of stock sales linked to coronavirus

Federal agents seized a cellphone belonging to a prominent Republican senator on Wednesday night as part of the Justice Department’s investigation into controversial stock trades he made as the novel coronavirus first struck the U.S., a law enforcement official said.

Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, turned over his phone to agents after they served a search warrant on the lawmaker at his residence in the Washington area, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a law enforcement action.

The seizure represents a significant escalation in the investigation into whether Burr violated a law preventing members of Congress from trading on insider information they have gleaned from their official work.

To obtain a search warrant, federal agents and prosecutors must persuade a judge they have probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. The law enforcement official said the Justice Department is examining Burr's communications with his broker.

Such a warrant being served on a sitting U.S. senator would require approval from the highest ranks of the Justice Department and is a step that would not be taken lightly. Kerri Kupec, a Justice Department spokeswoman, declined to comment.

A second law enforcement official said FBI agents served a warrant in recent days on Apple to obtain information from Burr's iCloud account and said agents used data obtained from the California-based company as part of the evidence used to obtain the warrant for the senator’s phone.

Burr sold a significant percentage of his stock portfolio in 33 different transactions on Feb. 13, just as his committee was receiving daily coronavirus briefings and a week before the stock market declined sharply. Much of the stock was invested in businesses that in subsequent weeks were hit hard by the plunging market.

Burr and other senators received briefings from U.S. public health officials before the stock sales.

A spokesperson for the FBI did not return phone messages seeking comment. A spokeswoman for Burr declined to comment. Burr has said he does not plan to run for reelection in 2022.

Burr’s sell-off — which was publicly disclosed in ranges — amounted to between $628,000 and $1.72 million. The stock trades were first reported by ProPublica....

Burr is not the only senator who has come under fire for dumping stock as the virus neared the United States.

In late February and early March, Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) sold stocks valued at between $1.25 million and $3.1 million in companies that later dropped significantly, including ExxonMobil. She also bought shares in Citrix, which makes telework software.

Loeffler, who was appointed to her seat to fill a vacancy and faces an election later this year, said after the sales became public that she and her husband would divest all individual stocks....

The same day Burr sold his stocks, Burr's brother-in-law, Gerald Fauth, sold between $97,000 and $280,000 worth of six stocks, according to documents filed with the Office of Government Ethics. Fauth serves on the National Mediation Board, which provides mediation for labor disputes in the aviation and rail industries.

Burr has denied coordinating trading with his brother-in-law.

In 2012, Congress prohibited lawmakers from acting on intelligence they learn because of their privileged position, such as briefings with high-level federal officials.

Under the STOCK Act, lawmakers are required to disclose their stock market activity but are still allowed to own stock, even in industries they might oversee.

The law passed the Senate in 2012 in a 96-3 vote. Among the three senators to oppose the bill was Burr.

If Burr is indicted, it will be a big step towards flipping NC for Biden.
If NC flips for Biden, it will be a big step towards defeating PINO.

If Burr is indicted, it will be a big step towards defeating fellow Repug Sen. Tillis in Nov.
If NC flips two seats to the Dems, it will be a big step towards flipping the Senate to the Dems.
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Re: COVIDiots

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Of course there is the possibility that Barr will bail out Burr in the manner in which all things trumpian and stupid are ignored as they relate to criminal Roger Stone and General Flynn, not to mention the raccoon eyed juvenile minded moron and pathological liar himself.

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Re: COVIDiots

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neoplacebo wrote:
Thu May 14, 2020 5:40 am
Of course there is the possibility that Barr will bail out Burr in the manner in which all things trumpian and stupid are ignored as they relate to criminal Roger Stone and General Flynn, not to mention the raccoon eyed juvenile minded moron and pathological liar himself.
Could be, but:
... To obtain a search warrant, federal agents and prosecutors must persuade a judge they have probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. The law enforcement official said the Justice Department is examining Burr's communications with his broker.

Such a warrant being served on a sitting U.S. senator would require approval from the highest ranks of the Justice Department and is a step that would not be taken lightly....
Plus, Burr annoyed PINO by running a mostly fair Senate Intel investigation into Russian meddling in 2016.

I think it's POSSIBLE that corruption can be so blatant that Barr may just want to cut the losses and throw Burr under the bus. No one is going to want to run with a CV-19 profiteer as their teammate.
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Re: COVIDiots

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Re: COVIDiots

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Re: COVIDiots

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Cue the "I'm stepping down to devote more time to my family" press release.
Maybe in a few weeks when the SIYFH orders are relaxed. No one wants to spend THAT much time with their family. ;)
Richard Burr sounds like he needs his cousin, Raymond.
Waiting to hear he's stepping down from his office as US Senator and his announcement that he will be joining a K-street lobbying firm on Monday.
So.... The Senate had enough forewarning for members to engage in insider trading but the President didn't have enough to have a plan in place?
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Re: COVIDiots

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New US coronavirus hotspots appear in Republican heartlands
Surge in infections in red state towns and rural communities
Rise in cases contradicts Trump assertion of rapid decline

I would appreciate the karma, but innocents and all of us are paying for and will pay for Trumpette governor passivity and inaction.
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Re: COVIDiots

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 15, 2020 8:03 am
I would appreciate the karma, but innocents and all of us are paying for and will pay ...
Barber who "illicitly" stayed open gets coronavirus

A New York barber who defied stay-at-home orders and continued to "illicitly" cut hair has tested positive for coronavirus, county officials said in a public health notice this week. Ulster County officials are now recommending anyone who received a haircut from the barber in the past three weeks should seek a coronavirus test....

Governor Cuomo spoke about the case during his Friday news briefing and said the barber was responsible for infecting other people.

"Barber in Kingston was operating in defiance of the close order, infected I think over a dozen people," Cuomo said. "You know, that is a occupation of close proximity, right? You can't really socially distance and do a haircut … that is by definition an up-close-and-personal occupation." ...
I wonder if anyone is making a concerted effort to track scofflaws, protestors and other COVIDiots that get infected, and then track how sick or dead they get.

Hospital responds to nurse caught at crowded bar


There are many hospitals in the Milwaukee-area. I’ll bet that Advocate Aurora Health is hearing from prospective patients that they will go elsewhere unless COVIDiot Katie Koutsky is suspended and quarantined.
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Re: COVIDiots

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Yes, I'm sorry for the innocents who were just sitting home staying out of the way and some covidiot brings the virus home, but I have no sympathy whatsoever for someone who goes to the bootleg barber or the newly opened/crowded bar, or the nail salon and gets sick. Avoiding the virus seems to come down to just a few fundamental actions: avoid close contact with people outside your own household; stay out of crowds and closed in spaces; don't touch anything/anybody unnecessarily; wash hands well and often. Take the converse of those and what do you get? Wisconsin bars, hair and nail salons, sit-down restaurants... "essential", "necessary", or "life-saving" are not words that describe those places.

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Re: COVIDiots

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O Really wrote:
Fri May 15, 2020 4:03 pm
Yes, I'm sorry for the innocents who were just sitting home staying out of the way and some covidiot brings the virus home, but I have no sympathy whatsoever for someone who goes to the bootleg barber or the newly opened/crowded bar, or the nail salon and gets sick. Avoiding the virus seems to come down to just a few fundamental actions: avoid close contact with people outside your own household; stay out of crowds and closed in spaces; don't touch anything/anybody unnecessarily; wash hands well and often. Take the converse of those and what do you get? Wisconsin bars, hair and nail salons, sit-down restaurants... "essential", "necessary", or "life-saving" are not words that describe those places.

Aside from the increased infection risk, I would not be comfortable being cared for by a nurse that's not only dumb enough to go into a bar but also so dumb as to tell a news crew her name and profession. Seriously, I would summon the charge nurse and demand that a different nurse be assigned to me.
Last edited by Vrede too on Fri May 15, 2020 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: COVIDiots

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"I have a toddler at home and I'm a full-time nurse. It's been very stressful and hard to go out and be with my friends and family at the bars," Koutsky told the news crew at Limanski's Pub in West Allis,"

Someone please step up and take her toddler and her job away from her.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: COVIDiots

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 15, 2020 4:11 pm
Aside from the increased infection risk, I would not be comfortable being cared for by a nurse that's not only dumb enough to go into a bar but also so dumb as to tell a news crew her name and profession. Seriously, I would summon the charge nurse and demand that a different nurse be assigned to me.
As for working with her, I have no words.
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Re: COVIDiots

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A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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