The homophobic thread :>

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Schools (public) must allow trans students to use bathrooms that match gender

The case originated in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

The trial judge that was upheld is Timothy J. Corrigan, a Shrub appointee.

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit covers FL, AL & GA. 2 (Obama appointees) to 1 (Daddy Shrub appointee) decision. Could be reversed by the full 11th or by SCOTUS. We'll see.


Victory! (Federal district) Court Confirms Idaho's Anti-Transgender Birth Certificate Law Violates Ruling
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Keanu Reeves says he didn't know about 'profound' transgender meaning behind 'The Matrix'

Lilly Wachowski confirmed a popular fan theory earlier this month when she acknowledged that The Matrix trilogy, which she wrote and directed with sister Lana Wachowski, was in fact a transgender allegory. “I’m glad that it has gotten out that that was the original intention,” the filmmaker said in a video for Netflix Film Club.

In a new interview with Yahoo Entertainment, the series’ star Keanu Reeves reacted to Wachowski’s revelation, admitting he was unaware of those particular deeper meanings.

“I never spoke to Lilly about that, she never conveyed that to me,” Reeves told us during an interview promoting the new installment of what’s now his other sci-fi trilogy, Bill & Ted Face the Music, where he was joined by costar Alex Winter (watch above).

“I think The Matrix films are profound, and I think that allegorically, a lot of people in different versions of the film can speak to that. And for Lilly to come out and share that with us, I think is cool.”

Fans have speculated about what gender identity intentions the Wachowskis had in mind for the series, which kicked off with 1999’s The Matrix and was followed by 2003’s The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions, since at least 2012 when Lana came out as transgender. Lilly followed suit in 2016....

News to me. I may have to watch #s 1 and 2 again, didn't enjoy 3.
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:shock: :laughing-rofl:
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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Once again, LGBTQs prove that their creativity, positivity and hilarity is unsurpassed.
Gay Men Hijack 'Proud Boys' Hashtag In Powerful Social Media Campaign

Gay men launched a savvy campaign over the weekend to appropriate the hashtag of the white supremacist “Proud Boys” with a tsunami of touching images and messages on social media.

The love resistance movement sent “Proud Boys” zooming into the trending stratosphere.

But the posts weren’t riddled with the disturbing images and hate-spewing messages by the group Donald Trump told to “stand by” after he was asked to condemn white supremacists at last week’s presidential debate. (He finally renounced the Proud Boys days later after a mounting backlash.)

Instead, these Proud Boys Twitter posts were filled with photos of embraces and wedding scenes, and expressions of love.

In honor of the campaign, the official Twitter account of the Canadian Armed Forces in the U.S. posted an image of a serviceman kissing his partner with emojis of Canada’s flag, the rainbow flag and the rehabbed Proud Boys hashtag. “Love is love,” piped up the Royal Canadian Navy.
OOOOO Canada! :gayhappy:
It’s not clear who launched the movement. But “Star Trek” veteran George Takei appeared to be one of the first to pitch the idea last Thursday....

Gorgeous! The true #ProudBoys

Dem State Rep, UCF district.

Many more fabulous tweets at the link.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Cool. Proud Boys are all probably now standing by being pissed off. Nazi snowflakes hate nothing more than being made fun of.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:23 pm
rstrong wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:48 pm
Trump's press secretary might take issue with that.

But probably not, given who her dad Mike Huckabee declared his champion of family values and protector of the faith in the 2016 election: Kim Davis, then married to her fourth husband, and who had a kid by her eventual third husband while still married to her first husband.
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:11 pm
“One of the things that he focused on was that we should not discriminate against Muslims or persecute them, but he never once said anything about the people of the Christian faith who are being so tried and tested and being mashed down, literally, with his agenda,” she said. (Kim Davis Obama state of the union)

don't you hate it when people get literally mashed down; I know I do.
bannination wrote:
Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:38 pm
rstrong wrote:Slate: Kim Davis’ Emails Are Exactly What You’d Expect Them to Be

Thanks to Kentucky’s open records law, the Associated Press obtained the emails that anti-gay Kentucky clerk Kim Davis sent leading up to her five days in jail.
Just a bunch of whining about how 'I'm so persecuted....' blah blah blah, cry me a river woman. :---P
5 years later:

Supreme Court rejects appeal from county clerk who wouldn't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

:---P :---P :---P :---P :---P :---P :---P :---P

+ 1 :angel4: :---P
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90-year-old man comes out as gay in viral Facebook post

Guess which service he was in.

Breaking: Kenneth Felts' parents have kicked him out of the house and disowned him.
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Does PINO even know that it's a gay anthem?


New version:


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I never knew that gay husbands, and wives I assume, adopt their spouses' surnames, nttawwt.

I never knew that people get named Chasten, either. That's a little weird. Maybe it's explained in the book.

He's on Ellen right now. He says that his plan is to vote and then go to a bakery and buy a dozen to celebrate. I voted yesterday, then went grocery shopping and happened to grab a dozen, something I don't usually do. They will now be more meaningful donuts to me.
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One Million Moms targets Uber Eats over Jonathan Van Ness ads
One Million Moms is demanding that Uber Eats end a new campaign featuring Olympic gymnast Simone Biles and “Queer Eye” star Jonathan Van Ness.


The Christian group claims the ads are “pushing the LGBTQ agenda on families.”

In an email to members, OMM Director Monica Cole called Van Ness, who identifies as nonbinary but primarily uses he/him pronouns, a “cross-dresser” and accused Uber Eats of “attempting to brainwash viewers ... instead of focusing on providing a helpful service, especially during a pandemic.”
Ummm, OMM is “attempting to brainwash" Americans by obsessing about the harmless sexuality of others that are promoting "a helpful service, especially during a pandemic.”
Hypocrisy much?
... An online petition urging the ride-share app to pull the ads has received more than 6,000 signatures to date.
Gee, you would think that they'd get "One Million" signatures right off the bat.
“Supporting the LGBTQ agenda versus remaining neutral in the culture war is just bad business,” it reads in part. “If Christians cannot find corporate neutrality with Uber Eats and Uber, then they will vote with their money and support companies that are neutral.”
Right-wing boycotts ALWAYS fail. I'll bet that Uber Eats made 6,000 deliveries in the last half hour.
... The group, an offshoot of the American Family Association, frequently protests LGBTQ-inclusive programs and advertising. Last year, it targeted Disney/Pixar’s “Toy Story 4” for including a scene of two moms dropping their child off at school. A December 2019 petition calling on the Hallmark Channel to remove an ad featuring a same-sex wedding received more than 36,000 signatures.
Also not even close to "One Million" signatures. 36,000 is pathetic for a well-funded national org.
... Uber said it’s standing by the campaign and its stars.

“At Uber Eats, we’re unapologetically committed to representing the flavor spectrum,” a spokesperson told NBC News. “From tacos to talent, we like it spicy. JVN and Simone serve gymnastic prowess and ... self-confidence, qualities millions of moms everywhere can—and do—support.” ...
:thumbup: "we like it spicy" :lol:

Update: Uber Eats sends its appreciation for the free publicity and has offered OMM Director Monica Cole free deliveries for one year . . . if she promises to receive the drivers gaily.
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Congress will have record number of LGBTQ lawmakers next session

... In New York, Democrats Ritchie Torres and Mondaire Jones won their House races and became the first two gay Black candidates elected to Congress....

Torres, a Bronx native who identifies as Afro Latinx, is also the first LGBTQ congressperson from New York City.

“Most would have thought New York City’s first LGBTQ member of Congress would be from Chelsea or Greenwich Village or Hell’s Kitchen, but the Bronx beat them to it,” said Annise Parker, president of the LGBTQ Victory Fund, which works to elect openly LGBTQ candidates at all levels of government....

With the addition of the two New Yorkers, the next session of Congress will likely include 11 openly LGBTQ members — nine House representatives and two senators — the most in U.S. history.

Six of the seven LGBTQ incumbents on the ballot, all Democrats, won re-election: David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Chris Pappas of New Hampshire, Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, Angie Craig of Minnesota, Mark Takano of (Riverside County) California and Sharice Davids of Kansas, who became first openly gay Native American in Congress in 2018. The seventh incumbent, Sean Patrick Maloney of New York, is leading his Republican opponent by nearly 3 percentage points with 78 percent of votes in.

Davids, the lone Democrat in Kansas’ congressional delegation, defeated former state Republican Party chair Amanda Adkins, 53 percent to 44 percent.

In her acceptance speech late Tuesday night, Davids thanked voters for turning out in record numbers.

“Even in the face of this pandemic, American democracy moves ahead,” she said, adding that Kansans “spoke loud and clear — they rejected the tired politics of the past. … They chose a different vision for who we send to the United State House, making sure that we continue this path that we started.”

Cicilline, who introduced the Equality Act in 2019, defeated independent Frederick Wysocki by more than 50 percentage points....

The two LGBTQ senators, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, were not up for re-election.

In 2013, Baldwin, a lesbian, became the first LGBTQ senator in U.S. history. She was joined in the Senate by Sinema, who is bisexual, in 2019....
One Rep from O Really's CA. Otherwise, our collective states are skunked . . . so far.
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Let’s Look at this Appeals Court’s Incredibly Stupid Opinion Protecting ‘Conversion Therapy’

To understand the wrongness, ignorance, and just plain stupidity of the Eleventh Circuit’s decision to strike down a ban on so-called “conversion therapy,” consider this hypothetical:

A 15-year-old boy, “voluntarily” but actually forced by his parents, goes to see a therapist offering a “therapy” that has been condemned by the American Psychological Association and shown in numerous studies to be ineffective and indeed counterproductive. When the boy reveals he is considering suicide, the therapist says “You should just do it. If you’re feeling suicidal, that shows you are weak and undeserving to live. You’re pathetic.”

Should this be legal? Of course not. What a therapist says to a vulnerable client, especially an underage one, isn’t constitutionally protected “free speech.” It’s medical practice, like prescribing medication. And it’s malpractice to say something so dangerous and wrongheaded. Obviously.

Yet that is exactly the convoluted logic that two Trump-appointed judges just applied in Otto v. City of Boca Raton, which ruled that it was the constitutional right of two therapists to practice “conversion therapy” (now known as ‘sexual orientation change efforts’ or SOCE) and thus unconstitutional for two Florida municipalities to ban it.

Unbelievably, the court described the bans not as protections of the mental and physical health of children but as “the government… choosing favored and disfavored messages,” as if a therapist guiding a vulnerable teenager were no different from a protester on the street. They categorically denied that therapy is not speech but “conduct,” which of course it is; therapy is a medical practice. They said that the bans “limit a category of people—therapists—from communicating a particular message,” again, as if the therapists were simply writing an op-ed in a newspaper.

This is all completely wrong. A therapist is not a speaker; she is a medical practitioner. What is said is not simply speech; it has the capacity to heal or harm.

But the kicker, the most ridiculous and, again, the simply stupidest mistake in the opinion is the court’s conclusion that the ban is unconstitutional because “whether therapy is prohibited depends only on the content of the words used in that therapy, and the ban on that content is because the government disagrees with it.”

Can you believe that a federal judge, albeit a Trump appointee (more on that in a moment) actually wrote such an idiotic sentence? No, Judge, the ban on that content is because it can do grievous harm to a minor. This isn’t political speech being censored because the government doesn’t like the content. It is therapy, a form of medical practice, being banned because it doesn’t work and because it hurts kids....

The two judges in the majority, Judges Britt Grant and Barbara Lagoa, are both Trump appointees who had anti-LGBTQ records before they were nominated, both members of the Federalist Society, and both personally vetted by the Federalist Society’s former leader, Leonard Leo, a religious ultra-conservative. (The Washington Post described Judge Lagoa’s husband, Paul Huck Jr., as “godfather of the Federalist Society in Miami.”) Like Justice Amy Coney Barrett, these judges were chosen for their conservative views, especially on religion. And both were said to be on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court.

... this outrageous twisting of facts and hysteria by judges vetted by religious extremists may not be an outlier for long. On the contrary, it may well prefigure the Supreme Court’s ultimate decision. Because this is the world in which we live.
:bs: :cussing:
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Melania Trump ‘blocked from projecting rainbow colours onto White House to celebrate Pride Month’

... Sources say the outgoing first lady had planned to light up the executive mansion in the iconic colour scheme in June to mark Pride 2020.

But White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who is opposed to gay marriage, was said to be determined to distance the Trump administration from the annual celebration.

Donald Trump previously voiced his support for Pride and is on the record as having said he is "fine" with the Supreme Court's ruling in favour of same-sex nuptials....
WNC represent!

Hey Meadows, you asshole, history will remember you as one of the few WH COSs to lose a 2nd term. WNC represent!
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Woman pleads guilty after threatening to bomb gay-inclusive Catholic school

... Sonia Tabizada, 36, pleaded guilty to obstructing religious exercise by threat of force by making threats in May 2019 to Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, the oldest Catholic girls school in the country, after it announced it would begin publishing same-sex wedding announcements in its alumni magazine, according to court documents.

Tabizada has no known connections to the school and may have learned about the wedding announcements through news reports. The Southern California resident made multiple threatening phone calls to the school, including leaving voicemails stating that she would burn and bomb the church, kill school officials and students and commit “terrorism,” according to court documents....

Tabizada will be sentenced March 23 and faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

Added to my incomplete list of White, (often Christian) con domestic terrorists.
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"People with homophobia more likely to have low IQ, research finds" ... arch-finds

Ya think?!

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Re: !

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O Really wrote:
Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:57 pm
"People with homophobia more likely to have low IQ, research finds" ... arch-finds

Ya think?!
This also explains why they're too stupid to know and/or believe that homophobes like themselves are more likely to have latent gay tendencies.

Opps. :gayhappy:
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Lindsey Graham threatens to ‘talk until I fell over’ to stop sexual equality bill in war over filibuster

... “I would talk until I fell over to make sure that the Equality Act doesn’t become law, destroying the difference between a man and woman in our law,” Mr Graham said about the proposal that would ban discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity....
Given the persistent rumors of his gayness, whatever his orientation really is, you would think that never married Lindsey would be more sensitive to the issue. Otoh, maybe he's overcompensating. Hmmm.
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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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O Really wrote:
Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:57 pm
"People with homophobia more likely to have low IQ, research finds" ... arch-finds

Ya think?!
They don't make Repug Arkansas governors the way they used to:
Arkansas governor vetoes bill to ban transgender youth treatment
Law would have banned doctors from providing gender-confirming hormone treatment, puberty blockers or surgery

... "If [the bill] becomes law, then we are creating new standards of legislative interference with physicians and parents as they deal with some of the most complex and sensitive matters involving young people," (Gov. Asa) Hutchinson said at a news conference.
As we've just seen, former Repug Arkansas governors like Huckleberry are still bigots. Plus, Repug Arkansas legislators still have their low IQ:
The Republican state legislature could still enact the measure, since it takes only a simple majority to override a governor's veto in Arkansas....
The veto override is expected to pass. :x
A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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