What now?

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What now?

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Democrats now control Congress. What should they do first?

I agree with the first two items listed, in that order:
... Perspectives

A comprehensive pandemic relief package must be the top priority

“There is an opportunity not only for additional, immediate relief but also bigger and longer-term fixes that could make this busted safety-net program one day function properly. The Democrats’ first priority must be addressing the immediate crisis.” — Catherine Rampell, Washington Post
I'd include rapidly resolving the pandemic if Rampell doesn't. We not only must stop the dying, but it's also the best fix for the economy.
Defending democracy should take precedence over all other concerns

“The most important priority right now has to be to restore faith in the fairness of the American system of democracy. The good news for the Democrats is that making the system fairer is not only good policy — but it’s also good politics.” — Lee Drutman, NBC News

The timing is right after the past few months. Other issues may be as important, but this is the one that makes successfully addressing them possible. I support the Issue One agenda.
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Re: What now?

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Somebody (and it might have been I) said that once Trump has no real power, he'll shed "supporters" like dead fleas falling off a freshly sprayed dog.

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Re: What now?

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Watching the press briefing.....it just seems so freaking normal. Fauci taking and answering questions honestly. Say I don't know when he doesn't know.

It's a bit unnerving.
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Re: What now?

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

O Really wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:40 pm
Somebody (and it might have been I) said that once Trump has no real power, he'll shed "supporters" like dead fleas falling off a freshly sprayed dog.
He's still got and probably will continue to have his 30%. But at least, for now that's a ceiling instead if a floor.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: What now?

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:20 pm
O Really wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:40 pm
Somebody (and it might have been I) said that once Trump has no real power, he'll shed "supporters" like dead fleas falling off a freshly sprayed dog.
He's still got and probably will continue to have his 30%. But at least, for now that's a ceiling instead if a floor.
Theoretically, yes, but when Trump isn't sucking the air out of every news cycle and speaking from the power of the presidency* a lot of the wind will go out of the sales. You may always be a Cubs fan, but undoubtedly your enthusiasm is greater in years they're good compared to years they're in the cellar. If they stayed in the cellar for several years, you might not even follow them closely. Trump is a one of a kind - run totally on personality with no underlying substance. He has no real "movement" to follow absent him personally.

Edit: Or a better analogy might be, you might be a faithful Chargers fan for many years, win or lose, but when they've left town for LA, you start losing fucks to give.
Last edited by O Really on Fri Jan 22, 2021 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What now?

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:18 pm
Watching the press briefing.....it just seems so freaking normal. Fauci taking and answering questions honestly. Say I don't know when he doesn't know.

It's a bit unnerving.
Me too. It did feel weird to watch the whole thing without being pissed off.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: What now?

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:15 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:18 pm
Watching the press briefing.....it just seems so freaking normal. Fauci taking and answering questions honestly. Say I don't know when he doesn't know.

It's a bit unnerving.
Me too. It did feel weird to watch the whole thing without being pissed off.
It's great to see Fauci and Birx trashing mass murdering former PINO and his team in other interviews, too.

Each is worlds better than the preceding Repug. Some I don't know well enough to cheer for, yet, but there are none that I hate.
... Here are 10 senators poised to take the gavels.

Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Senate Budget Committee ... :clap:

Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Senate Judiciary Committee

Durbin took over as the Judiciary Committee’s top Democrat last month after Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., its ranking remember, announced she would relinquish her post. Feinstein, who is 87, faced fierce criticism over what many fellow Democrats thought was her failure to aggressively challenge Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation hearings.

And while he is not yet officially the Judiciary Committee chair, Durbin — who also serves as the Democratic whip — wasted no time in flexing the party’s newfound muscle this week when he sent a letter demanding that the Justice Department “preserve and produce all relevant materials” related to its “role in Trump’s scheme to overturn the election.”

“The Senate Judiciary Committee will conduct vigorous oversight of these matters," Durbin wrote in the letter, which was addressed to acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson. “As a first step, we seek your immediate assurance that the Department will preserve all relevant materials in its possession, custody, or control.” :thumbup:

Bob Menendez, D-N.J., Senate Foreign Relations Committee ...

Mark Warner, D-Va., Senate Intelligence Committee

Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Senate president pro tempore ...
Vermont, the most powerful state.
Other top committee chairs

Gary Peters, D-Mich., Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

Peters intends to conduct a probe into the security and intelligence failures of the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. :thumbup:

Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee

The former tech industry executive takes over a committee that will guide the Senate’s oversight of antitrust issues in Big Tech. Cantwell is the first woman to chair this committee. :thumbup:

Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, Senate Banking Committee

A fierce critic of Wall Street, Brown is expected to push for more affordable housing and strengthen regulations that were rolled back during the Trump administration. :clap:

Patty Murray, D-Wash., Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee ...
Washington women, represent!
Ron Wyden, D-Ore., Senate Finance Committee ... :clap:
Sanders, Brown and Wyden, the Three Economic Musketeers! Go socialism!!!
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Re: What now?

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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin purges advisory boards stocked by former President Trump

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin demanded the resignation of hundreds of volunteer advisers to the Pentagon after former President Donald Trump had stocked the panels in recent months, senior Defense department officials said Tuesday.

Austin called for their resignations by Feb. 16 or they will be terminated, according to Defense officials who were not authorized to speak publicly.

The work of at least 42 committees, which provide advice to Pentagon leadership on issues such business practices, personnel issues and policy, will be reviewed and changes recommended by June 1, one official said.

Among the appointees to the boards in recent months were former Trump campaign officials Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie. Austin became alarmed about the frenetic and unprecedented pace of appointments made at the end of Trump's term, and deemed the fairest way to address his concern was to ask each of the hundreds of employees to resign, the official said....
:---P x hundreds. :clap:
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Re: What now?

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:21 pm
Democrats now control Congress. What should they do first?

I agree with the first two items listed, in that order:
... A comprehensive pandemic relief package must be the top priority
Defending democracy should take precedence over all other concerns ...
The timing is right after the past few months. Other issues may be as important, but this is the one that makes successfully addressing them possible. I support the Issue One agenda.
Democrats launch sweeping bid to overhaul US election laws

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Re: What now?

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Another way that bigot Dolt .45 was bad for national security:
Biden Endorses Female Generals Whose Promotions Were Delayed Over Fears of Trump's Reaction

President Joe Biden has nominated two female generals to elite, four-star commands, the Defense Department announced, months after their Pentagon bosses had agreed on their promotions but held them back out of fears that former President Donald Trump would reject the officers because they were women.

The nominations of Gen. Jacqueline D. Van Ovost of the Air Force to head the Transportation Command, which oversees the military’s sprawling global transportation network, and of Lt. Gen. Laura J. Richardson of the Army to head the Southern Command, which oversees military activities in Latin America, now advance to the Senate, where they are expected to be approved.

The unusual strategy to delay the officers’ promotions — intended to protect their accomplished careers — was devised last fall by Mark Esper, the defense secretary at the time, and Gen. Mark Milley, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

They both thought the two generals were exceptional officers deserving of the commands. But under Trump, they worried that any candidates other than white men for jobs mostly held by white men might run into resistance once their nominations reached the White House.

Esper and Milley feared that if they even broached the women’s names, Trump and some of his top aides would replace them with their own candidates before leaving office....

“They were chosen because they were the best officers for the jobs, and I didn’t want their promotions derailed because someone in the Trump White House saw that I recommended them or thought DOD was playing politics,” Esper, referring to the Department of Defense, said in an interview with The New York Times, which first reported the strategy last month.

“This was not the case,” Esper added. “They were the best qualified. We were doing the right thing.”

... Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who left the military last summer after his own entanglement with the White House, argued in the national security blog Lawfare that Esper and Milley should have fought it out with Trump.

“Upholding good order and discipline within the military does not mean dodging difficult debates with the commander in chief,” Vindman wrote.

But defenders of Esper and Milley’s strategy say that Vindman’s argument ignores the civil-military crisis between Trump and the senior Pentagon leaders in the fall. Trump, furious that they had stood up to him when he wanted to use active-duty troops to battle Black Lives Matter protesters, was openly disparaging of Esper to his aides and to the public.

Trump was also countermanding the Pentagon at seemingly every turn, especially on social issues.

When Milley and senior Army officials sought to set up a commission to look into renaming bases that were named after Confederate generals, Trump took to Twitter, vowing that “my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations.” ...
Haha, Trumpettes and other misogynists, you lose again.
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Re: What now?

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Trump had a press conference today?

I must have missed it.


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Re: What now?

Unread post by O Really »

Ulysses wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:23 pm
Trump had a press conference today?

I must have missed it.

This is good news, and apparently progress: a scan of Yahoo News page, Google News and MSN Canada version finds only one reference to Trump at all, which is not really about him but about the likelihood of his accountant rolling on him. :lol:

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Re: What now?

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O Really wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:31 pm
This is good news, and apparently progress: a scan of Yahoo News page, Google News and MSN Canada version finds only one reference to Trump at all, which is not really about him but about the likelihood of his accountant rolling on him. :lol:
My Yahoo News homepage has two former PINO references, both about undoing his deeds:

Biden Endorses Female Generals Whose Promotions Were Delayed Over Fears of Trump's Reaction

Biden order could change how colleges handle sex misconduct

The teaser mentions Trump by name and the first sentence is:
In a first step toward reversing a contentious Trump administration policy, President Joe Biden on Monday ordered his administration to review federal rules guiding colleges in their handling of campus sexual assaults....
Zero articles about anything 45SHOLE has said or is doing.

:---P :---P :---P
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Re: What now?

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O Really wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:31 pm
Ulysses wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:23 pm
Trump had a press conference today?

I must have missed it.

This is good news, and apparently progress: a scan of Yahoo News page, Google News and MSN Canada version finds only one reference to Trump at all, which is not really about him but about the likelihood of his accountant rolling on him. :lol:
Yeah, yesterday it was reported that he's in NY until tomorrow. Probably getting an update on the reckoning that's coming. I expect him to set trump tower on fire and jump from the roof later this evening or tomorrow morning. The cult will mourn in awe.

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Re: What now?

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A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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Re: What now?

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‘Most influential voice’: Warren’s network spreads throughout Biden administration
The growing roster of Warren protégés in the government illustrates the leftward shift underway in the Democratic Party's approach to policymaking.

Wall Street was relieved when Sen. Elizabeth Warren was passed over for the leadership of the Treasury Department. But now the financial industry faces another threat: President Joe Biden is enlisting a small army of her former aides and allies to run his government.

Warren's expanding network in the upper echelons of the administration includes protégés who helped execute her aggressive oversight of big banks and other corporations as well as friends who share her views of the risks looming on Wall Street. But it goes beyond finance, covering pivotal posts at the Department of Education and even the National Security Council.

The Warren recruits mark a victory for the progressive movement, which has supported her yearslong "personnel is policy" campaign to chip away at the dominance of corporate insiders in setting policy for Democrats. Those who took on the fight with Warren say they're pleasantly surprised it has produced so many results under Biden, reflecting a new emphasis on inequality and challenging corporate power. Industry lobbyists, in turn, warn that banks, private equity firms and consumer lenders should pay close attention....
:happy-cheerleaderkid: At this point in the Obama admin we were bemoaning all of the Wall Street appointments and hires.
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Re: What now?

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Mar 12, 2021 1:26 pm
Senate confirms Merrick Garland as U.S. attorney general

70 to 30. Some irony that he is now the top guy in charge of defending and restoring democracy. Hah!
Merrick Garland rapidly erasing Trump effect at Justice Department

Attorney General Merrick Garland is quickly negating the Trump administration’s law enforcement legacy, dismaying conservatives with a burst of aggressive reversals and new policies.

Why it matters: As a former prosecutor and respected federal judge, Garland's devotion to the rule of law has always been core to his identity. That reputation has taken on new importance in his first 50 days on the job, after four years of allegations that Trump's DOJ was improperly politicized....

* DOJ's broad authority also overlaps with many of the issues at the top of President Biden's agenda, including restoring faith in government, promoting racial justice and police reform, and curbing gun violence.

Driving the news: Liberal fears that the soft-spoken Garland might resist prosecuting Trump and his allies for the sake of unity were partially eased on Wednesday, when news broke that federal agents had raided the Manhattan home of Rudy Giuliani....

The Justice Department also announced on Wednesday that three Georgia men were charged with federal hate crimes in the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, whose death was a rallying cry during last year's racial-justice protests.

* In Michigan, a superseding indictment was filed against five men accused of plotting last year to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, with prosecutors referring to the alleged crimes as "domestic terrorism" for the first time.

* That shift comes amid new developments in the investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which has been described as the most complex probe in DOJ history. Garland, who played a leading role in the prosecution of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, has vowed to make prosecuting the Capitol rioters his "first priority."

Other major steps taken in Garland's first 50 days include:

* "Pattern or practice" investigations into the Minneapolis and Louisville police departments, following the deaths last year of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

* A 30-day "expedited review" into how DOJ can better prosecute and track hate crimes amid a surge in violence against Asian Americans.

* The revocation of a Trump-era policy that restricted federal funding for "sanctuary cities."

* Responsibility for five of the six executive actions on gun control ordered by Biden.

What to watch: Garland's commitment to depoliticizing DOJ will undergo a key test when a charging decision is made in the case of Hunter Biden, whose finances are under investigation.

* Special counsel John Durham is also expected to submit a report concerning alleged abuses by Obama-era intelligence officials during the Russia investigation.
:---P :happy-cheerleaderkid:
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Re: What now?

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Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: What now?

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It's sad and undignified, and it's damaging for the Dems that she's hanging around. 1 1/2 years is too long. Leadership needs to convince her to resign, perhaps by threatening impeachment.
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Re: What now?

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Vrede too wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 7:03 pm

It's sad and undignified, and it's damaging for the Dems that she's hanging around. 1 1/2 years is too long. Leadership needs to convince her to resign, perhaps by threatening impeachment.
She might be too far gone for that to register and a really shitty way to thank her for her service.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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