2024 Elections

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Re: 2024 Elections

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There really isn't any reason for Trump to show up at the fictionally named "debates" except just to toss insults. His ummm, "positions" are well known and his act has gone way tiresome for everybody but his cult. It would be nice if somebody would sponsor and adequately moderate a real debate where the participants were required to answer the questions without jumping off topic, but that's not gonna happen.

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Re: 2024 Elections

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 2:38 pm
Face tattoos?
I think it's skin damage from decades of over-tanning.

'Tan Mom' Patricia Krentcil Says Senate Run Triggered by FL's Hot Button Issues | TMZ

That is a tattoo on her left shoulder, though. Speech impediment, old stroke, stoned? Whatever, look out Ricky, she's comin' for ya'.
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Re: 2024 Elections

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Ron DeSantis’ Campaign for President Is Costing Florida Taxpayers a Whopping $13 Million & He Hasn’t Paid Them Back

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is running for president, but his campaign is costing taxpayers a pretty penny. The politician has spent an astronomical sum, $13 million to be exact, on travel costs and security measures over the last two years.

The numbers were released by Florida this week, and obtained by the Miami Herald, which noted that not only is that number higher than his first two years in office, but it is also higher than what other sitting governors spent when they ran for president in former election years. Florida’s law allows for all travel and security costs to be absorbed by the taxpayers for any reason — vacations, campaigns, etc. — and his staffers are justifying the ballooning numbers.
WTF, Florida?
... the Florida governor’s campaign has raised over $100 million, a record-setting sum, for his run for the White House and he hasn’t paid the taxpayers back one dime....
Grifters never do.
“Now, as the governor continues to flame out in his failing run for president, it is Floridians who are continuing to subsidize his trips to Iowa and New Hampshire while they struggle to pay the bills in the most unaffordable state in the nation,” explained DeSantis Watch communication director, Anders Croy. It’s hard to predict how the former president’s legal situations will shake out, so DeSantis is likely to hang in there until the bitter end — and he’s going to rack up a big tab for Florida citizens to pay.
On behalf of America, thank you Florida :roll: . Why aren't these illegal campaign contributions under federal law?

Ron DeSantis’ Reason for Why He Gets Trolled by Donald Trump & Joe Biden Is Completely Absurd

... “I get attacked by the left, I get attacked by the Democrats, [Joe] Biden, [Kamala] Harris, the media, [Donald] Trump so I must be somebody that they consider to be a threat,” he told NewsNation. “Because if not, you would kind of just ignore and go on.” DeSantis, who seemed to be the Republican Party heir apparent just a year ago, is floundering in the polls because his Florida governing style doesn’t resonate on a national level. But he seems to think the snarky comments from other candidates is a positive thing. “Look, when they’re attacking you, that means you’re over the target,” he explained. “So, we’re happy to field that and we’ll hold our own.” ...
No, Ronny, you get attacked because you steal from taxpayers and you're a stupid fascist asshole - low hanging fruit.
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Re: 2024 Elections

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But he actually serves us. That hundred million he raised is a hundred million out of right-winger pockets.
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Re: 2024 Elections

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I wonder where DeSantis got the idea that "anti-woke" would be his ticket in Florida and nationally. Looking back to his first election, it wasn't anti-woke that let him barely sneak in past a Black guy with drug baggage. And it wasn't anti-woke that got him re-elected by a large margin. That would be (a) strong approval of his lax and irresponsible handling of covid, at least from the ones who didn't die; and (b) a terminally weak opponent whose time had come and gone. He's been going around setting land mines in his own yard and running around jumping on them.

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Re: 2024 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Sat Aug 19, 2023 11:11 am
I wonder where DeSantis got the idea that "anti-woke" would be his ticket in Florida and nationally. Looking back to his first election, it wasn't anti-woke that let him barely sneak in past a Black guy with drug baggage. And it wasn't anti-woke that got him re-elected by a large margin. That would be (a) strong approval of his lax and irresponsible handling of covid, at least from the ones who didn't die; and (b) a terminally weak opponent whose time had come and gone. He's been going around setting land mines in his own yard and running around jumping on them.
It's so brilliant I'm betting he came up with it on his own with the help of his wife.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: 2024 Elections

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:10 pm

It's so brilliant I'm betting he came up with it on his own with the help of his wife.
Entertaining when technically smart people do unexplainably stupid things.

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Re: 2024 Elections

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The efforts of Fascist DerSantis to lose the nomination continue to be wildly successful:

For DeSantis, an Unforced Error Amplifies a Daunting Debate Challenge

I may watch the debate just to see Ronny struggle to wipe the egg off of his face.
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Re: 2024 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 2:38 pm
There really isn't any reason for Trump to show up at the fictionally named "debates" except just to toss insults. His ummm, "positions" are well known and his act has gone way tiresome for everybody but his cult. It would be nice if somebody would sponsor and adequately moderate a real debate where the participants were required to answer the questions without jumping off topic, but that's not gonna happen.
Inside Trump’s Decision to Skip the GOP Debate

... For months, Fox had been working Trump privately and publicly. He was keeping them guessing, in his patented petulant way. But even as he behaved as if he was listening to entreaties, Trump was proceeding with a plan for his own counterprogramming to the debate.

The former president has told aides that he has made up his mind not to participate in the debate and has decided to post an online interview with Tucker Carlson that night instead. The interview with Carlson has already been taped, according to a person with direct knowledge of the event.

Upstaging Fox’s biggest event of the year would be provocation enough. But an interview with Carlson — who was Fox’s top-rated prime-time host and is at war with the network, which is still paying out his contract — amounts to a slap in the network’s face by Trump....
“Why doesn’t Fox and Friends show all of the Polls where I am beating Biden, by a lot,” Trump posted on his website, Truth Social, on Thursday morning, venting about the network’s morning show. He added, “Also, they purposely show the absolutely worst pictures of me, especially the big ‘orange’ one with my chin pulled way back. They think they are getting away with something, they’re not.”
... Each answer will be limited to one minute, with a sound like a hotel front desk’s bell alerting candidates that their time has expired. (Fox has retired the doorbell-like chime it used in the last debates after it sent some dogs into barking fits.)
... This year, the RNC updated its rules to require candidates to sign a pledge no later than 48 hours before the debate, including commitments to support the party’s nominee regardless of who it is and to not participate in any future debates not sanctioned by the RNC.

Trump has not signed the pledge. RNC officials have told people that no candidate, including Trump, will be allowed onstage without signing it. But Trump is far from principled on the matter. He has already signed a similar pledge vowing to “generally believe in” and “intend to support the nominees and platform” of the GOP in 2024 in order to qualify for the South Carolina primary ballot, according to a party official in the state.
Interesting. Of course, he's a liar. If there were a different nominee he'd just come up with some whiny excuse to withhold support like that they "rigged" the primaries.
In 2016 (Iowa), Fox did not know until the last minute possible that he was not going to show up. And even once the debate started, the hosts and producers were bracing for the possibility that he might arrive in the middle of the broadcast and demand to be allowed on the stage.
That would be wild. I've seen it suggested that Dolt .45 will turn himself in on Wednesday in order to suck the air out of the debate.
Edit: Found it - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/don ... 00076.html
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I will watch clips of TRE45QN and Fascist DerSantis getting shredded, though :twisted: . I have zero interest in the Tucker interview.
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Re: 2024 Elections

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Hateful Eight Debate

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley
Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson
Former Vice President Mike Pence
Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy
Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina
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Re: 2024 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:03 am
Hateful Eight Debate

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley
Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson
Former Vice President Mike Pence
Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy
Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina

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Re: 2024 Elections

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:26 pm
So far it doesn't look like dems will make an attempt to run anyone against rick scott. We have a retired navy vet who lost to matti-G by about 30 points in the running.
I remain disappointed with my party.
It will be tough, but looks like you've now got a semi-credible Dem candidate:

Former Congresswoman Launches Bid To Oust GOP Sen. Rick Scott In Florida
Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell will wage an uphill fight in the Republican-leaning Sunshine State.

She lost to a RepuQ by 3 points.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debbie_Mu ... al_history
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Re: 2024 Elections

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I may have mentioned that I once voted for a Republican. My first opportunity to vote and Spiro Agnew was running for Maryland governor against a truly horrible Dem segregationist yahoo, George P. Mahoney, who literally campaigned on the slogan "Your home is your castle; protect it." Agnew looked pretty good beside him. But that didn't work out well and I haven't voted Repug since. But using that same imaginary scenario on the Presidential race, I wondered who I would vote for if the Dems ran a Mahoney. If all I had to choose from was the list above, plus Trump, I'd probably go with Mahoney.

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Re: 2024 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:32 pm
I may have mentioned that I once voted for a Republican. My first opportunity to vote and Spiro Agnew was running for Maryland governor against a truly horrible Dem segregationist yahoo, George P. Mahoney, who literally campaigned on the slogan "Your home is your castle; protect it." Agnew looked pretty good beside him. But that didn't work out well and I haven't voted Repug since. But using that same imaginary scenario on the Presidential race, I wondered who I would vote for if the Dems ran a Mahoney. If all I had to choose from was the list above, plus Trump, I'd probably go with Mahoney.
Maryland had some decent Republicans back then. I still remember visiting an excellent environmental exhibition organized by a Repub US Rep from the 'burbs. I was too young to vote, but would have voted for him if I could have.
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Re: 2024 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:01 pm

... some decent Republicans ...
True, but not a three-word sequence I would have ever expected to find in a Vrede post. Better re-boot your machine - it may have a virus.

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Re: 2024 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:32 pm
I may have mentioned that I once voted for a Republican. My first opportunity to vote and Spiro Agnew was running for Maryland governor against a truly horrible Dem segregationist yahoo, George P. Mahoney, who literally campaigned on the slogan "Your home is your castle; protect it." Agnew looked pretty good beside him. But that didn't work out well and I haven't voted Repug since. But using that same imaginary scenario on the Presidential race, I wondered who I would vote for if the Dems ran a Mahoney. If all I had to choose from was the list above, plus Trump, I'd probably go with Mahoney.
I only know spiro from his abbreviated vp stint. How was he as governor? Any real evils?
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Re: 2024 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:22 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:01 pm

... some decent Republicans ...
True, but not a three-word sequence I would have ever expected to find in a Vrede post. Better re-boot your machine - it may have a virus.
:D Sorta true, but remember that I distrust and at times detest Dems more than you do. I voted for now retired Repub Chuck McGrady for NC House as recently as 2010 or even 2012. This was before he was seduced by being a party insider and betrayed his centrist values in favor of the racist, anti-democratic Dark Side. Opps. Guess I learned a lesson there.

I'll also vote Libertarian, Green or other 3rd party in uncontested races or races when I have a particular dislike for the Dem.
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Re: 2024 Elections

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:00 pm
I only know spiro from his abbreviated vp stint. How was he as governor? Any real evils?
I was too young to care about or remember how Agnew was perceived as governor, but Wiki says that he had a "centrist reputation". He only served for 2 years because Nixon made him VP. We only learned later that he was corrupt as governor and before that as Baltimore County Executive, and this ultimately led to his resignation and felony conviction. So, he was an evil governor.

This is what O Really reacted to:
In the Democratic party, three candidates—a moderate, a liberal, and an outright segregationist—battled for their party's gubernatorial nomination, which to general surprise was won by the segregationist George P. Mahoney, a perennially unsuccessful candidate for office. Mahoney's candidacy split his party, provoking a third-party candidate, Comptroller of Baltimore City Hyman A. Pressman. In Montgomery County (where O Really and I lived), the state's wealthiest area, a "Democrats for Agnew" organization flourished, and liberals statewide flocked to the Agnew standard. Mahoney, a fierce opponent of integrated housing, exploited racial tensions with the slogan: "Your Home is Your Castle. Protect it!" Agnew painted him as the candidate of the Ku Klux Klan, and said voters must choose "between the bright, pure, courageous flame of righteousness and the fiery cross". In the November election Agnew, helped by 70 percent of the black vote, beat Mahoney by 455,318 votes (49.5 percent) to 373,543, with Pressman taking 90,899 votes.
No way my liberal Mom voted for a segregationist, so she may have supported Spiro. Wiki's description of his tenure:
Agnew's term as governor was marked by an agenda which included tax reform, clean water regulations, and the repeal of laws against interracial marriage. Community health programs were expanded, as were higher educational and employment opportunities for those on low incomes. Steps were taken towards ending segregation in schools. Agnew's fair housing legislation was limited, applying only to new projects above a certain size. These were the first such laws passed south of the Mason–Dixon line....
Not bad. However, he reacted harshly to Black militancy in those volatile times.
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Re: 2024 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:24 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:00 pm
I only know spiro from his abbreviated vp stint. How was he as governor? Any real evils?
I was too young to care about or remember how Agnew was perceived as governor, but Wiki says that he had a "centrist reputation". He only served for 2 years because Nixon made him VP. We only learned later that he was corrupt as governor and before that as Baltimore County Executive, and this ultimately led to his resignation and felony conviction. So, he was an evil governor.

This is what O Really reacted to:
In the Democratic party, three candidates—a moderate, a liberal, and an outright segregationist—battled for their party's gubernatorial nomination, which to general surprise was won by the segregationist George P. Mahoney, a perennially unsuccessful candidate for office. Mahoney's candidacy split his party, provoking a third-party candidate, Comptroller of Baltimore City Hyman A. Pressman. In Montgomery County (where O Really and I lived), the state's wealthiest area, a "Democrats for Agnew" organization flourished, and liberals statewide flocked to the Agnew standard. Mahoney, a fierce opponent of integrated housing, exploited racial tensions with the slogan: "Your Home is Your Castle. Protect it!" Agnew painted him as the candidate of the Ku Klux Klan, and said voters must choose "between the bright, pure, courageous flame of righteousness and the fiery cross". In the November election Agnew, helped by 70 percent of the black vote, beat Mahoney by 455,318 votes (49.5 percent) to 373,543, with Pressman taking 90,899 votes.
No way my liberal Mom voted for a segregationist, so she may have supported Spiro. Wiki's description of his tenure:
Agnew's term as governor was marked by an agenda which included tax reform, clean water regulations, and the repeal of laws against interracial marriage. Community health programs were expanded, as were higher educational and employment opportunities for those on low incomes. Steps were taken towards ending segregation in schools. Agnew's fair housing legislation was limited, applying only to new projects above a certain size. These were the first such laws passed south of the Mason–Dixon line....
Not bad. However, he reacted harshly to Black militancy in those volatile times.
If we had republicans in Alabama I'm sure I would have voted for one over lurleen or George. We had liberal democrats run and lose against racist dems in our slightly competitive Primaries. The General Election was for show only.

Governor of Alabama, 1974[17]
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic George Wallace (incumbent) 497,574 83.2%
Republican Elvin McCary 88,381 14.8%
Prohibition Jim Partain 12,350 2.1%
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: 2024 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:06 pm
O Really wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:22 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:01 pm

... some decent Republicans ...
True, but not a three-word sequence I would have ever expected to find in a Vrede post. Better re-boot your machine - it may have a virus.
:D Sorta true, but remember that I distrust and at times detest Dems more than you do...
It's not that I think Dems are perfect - in fact I find them to be largely incompetent, tone deaf, and as frustrating as UNC football. It's just that they are so much better than the other side that there really isn't a practical choice. I wish there was. I wish we had a parliamentary system with at least 4 parties. I also wish for a mega ball lottery win, which has better odds.

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