NFL Football

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Re: NFL Football

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That was almost painful. If it had been another team, I would have enjoyed
Peyton getting his ass kicked, but I almost felt sorry for the guy. Almost.
I was going to hang on until the end of the third quarter or so, just in case
the Broncos came back, as unlikely as that looked. When Harvin ran the
second half kickoff back for a touchdown, it was time to bail out. This was
a bit of a throwback to the 1980s when there were three or four years in
a row when the scores were very lopsided and people complained that the
Super Bowl wasn't worth watching.

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Re: NFL Football

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'Skins host the Browns tonight. Should be interesting to see the variety of protests from the Native American groups as well as the Mexican and other Hispanic groups.
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Re: NFL Football

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I guess we could require that all sports teams be named after animals, like Seahawks, da Bears, Lions, Panthers, etc. But we'd probably need to deal with PETA somewhere along the line. We could demand they be named for occupations, like Packers, but even that name would be offensive to some, like Homo Phobe and friends. We could require vegetation, like Maple Leafs, but that's a bit tame for most US tastes. Maybe everyone could pick some music, like the Jazz, but it might be difficult to find enough types of music for everyone. Still, it might be fun to root for the Carolina MetalHeads. So to avoid offending anyone whatsoever under any circumstances, maybe all teams should be required to use only the official designation of residents of their city. Like Washingtonians. Seattlites. San Diegans. Damn, even that doesn't work. What do you call somebody from Dallas? Or Green Bay? Or Phoenix - Phoenicians? Surely there must be some way to please everybody.

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Re: NFL Football

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Vrede wrote:You've convinced me, I'm now okay with calling teams the Niggers, Ragheads, Spics, Honkies, Kikes and Chinks, too.
Wouldn't work. You'd have too many teams in the same league with the same name. NBA teams would be #1; MLB teams would be #3; and only the all-academic teams would be #6.

But I forgot in my suggestions, above, about places or geographical features like the Rockies. That might even work, if all teams had to name themselves something in their area. Then the 'Skins could become the Washington Monument; The Chiefs could become the KC Barbeque; and the Indians could become the Cleveland Sludge. With the demographics of Cleveland, the Browns could remain the same.

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Re: NFL Football

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Vrede wrote:I still like Capital Punishment or DC Comics.

... I also suspect that you're enjoying the debate with me as much or more than you are adamant that the name not change.
Yeah, maybe. But I don't think they should change the name just because some (or a lot) (or even everybody) thinks it's offensive. I have a hard time being personally offended - even while recognizing that it is offensive - because to me it's just a team name that's been around all my life and for whom I was once an enthusiastic fan. There are a lot of reasons people like or don't like a sports team - don't like the city, don't like the name, don't like the coach, the owner, whatever. Anybody who doesn't like "Redskins" shouldn't buy their stuff, watch their games, yada. If the stadium goes empty, the merchandise sits on shelves, and guys are refusing to be drafted, I'm thinking it would get changed to something else. "DC Comics" is good.

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Re: NFL Football

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Vrede wrote:
You never offered a serious answer as to whether other racial and ethnic slurs would be okay and, if not, why is this one anymore?
<sigh> A serious answer? Seriously? Must I?
I don't think all racial/ethnic slurs are created equal. Probably "Average White Band" is offensive to some, but overall it's not all that bad. I'm reasonably sure "Fighting Irish" falls into the category of stereotyped exaggeration, particularly what with the leprechan and all. But it doesn't rise to the level of disrespect any of your other examples would. But bottom line, it's not a matter of whether I think it's "okay" or not. It's whether a person (real or corporate) can be offensive if they're willing to take the heat for it.

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Re: NFL Football

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So - exactly what does it mean if a team owner is "suspended" for six games? (Irsay) ... /14964761/

He can't sit in the owner's box? Has to go get his own hot dog? That seems pretty meaningless. The $500K fine, however, is quite the toothy penalty.

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Re: NFL Football

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"How to play American Football" circa 1940-something.

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Re: NFL Football

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Manziel to s ... Bgzj9Ttart Sunday...
Yes, I know - his obnoxious brashness has been compared to Namath, and some equally arrogant players have proven their worth, but for me personally, he's just too much diva to deal with. It's probably that "money" thing that puts it over the line. I hope he's sacked every time he gets the ball.

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Re: NFL Football

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I can't believe the worthless 'Skins beat the supposedly decent Iggles. Since both are teams I once had as "home teams" I say a pox upon them both. Go "Hawks!"

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Re: NFL Football

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Vrede wrote:You forgot the worst part, Dallas wil almost certainly be the division champ now.

Go Hawks! Or Lions.
Detroit (the city) has so little going for it, you almost hope the once-proud Lions could pull it off. But then, when Karras was around "Motown" had some meaning and kids were racing "Detroit iron" up and down Woodward Avenue and the GTO "goat" was the definition of muscle car cool. Now, not so much.

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Re: NFL Football

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Forecast for the Tundra next weekend is a high of about 10. With any luck, there will be be snow. Re-run of the original Ice Bowl. Love it. I've been at Lambeau in 5 degrees. It's now officially off my bucket list. On the other hand, I'll be happy to be watching it on tv at 80ish degrees.

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Re: NFL Football

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Dallas was clearly hosed.
However, one might consider it as "Dallas, meet Karma"; "Karma, this is Dallas."

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Re: NFL Football

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Vrede wrote:How so? I didn't watch, thought it was 2 evening games again. :oops:
Reversal of catch by Dallas on about the 2... ... ?ocid=iehp

Lions got hosed on behalf of Dallas last week.

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Re: NFL Football

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I didn't really care who won, but if forced to choose would probably have picked the cheesers. But by any definition other than some nonsense rule infraction that wasn't seen in the original call and debated in replay - that was a catch.

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Re: NFL Football

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Except for the Pats winning, things have worked out pretty well. The
Cowgirls got beat in a rather ironic zebra way. The Panthers actually
had to play a team without a losing record or a third string QB. Reality
will beat you every time. I can still hope New England loses somewhere
along the line. I really don't have a team I can be very enthusiastic
about, so I think I'll go with the Colts, though they are a bit of a long
shot. At least there will be no nightmare Dallas-New England Super Bowl.

Hey, the IRA are freedom fighters battling the oppressive lime eaters.
Up the rebels. :thumbup:

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Re: NFL Football

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Vrede wrote:
O Really wrote:I didn't really care who won ...
Between your Philly and DC roots I would have pegged you for a Cowboy hater like me.
Traditionally a Cowboy hater fer shure. Especially when I was closer in time to the Philly/DC roots and lived in San Antonio where the only team covered was Cowboys 24/7. But that was long ago in a galaxy far away. The Cowboys have been not-so-good for long enough they've become beige to me. Until they show Jerry Jones and then I remember how to hate the Cowboys.

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Re: NFL Football

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Thanks. I'm a long time Cowboys hater, even back when Tom Landry was pacing
the sidelines in his little fedora. The deep dislike for the Patriots is more recent.
Not sure why. The coach does look like he would be at home in some underground
dungeon with a whip in his hand supervising people turning an endlessly revolving
wheel. No doubt a very talented team, but I just don't like 'em.

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Re: NFL Football

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What the heck, it's only a football game. I'll stick with the Colts.
If SF had made it to the playoffs, I would have gone with them,
but they didn't, so....

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Re: NFL Football

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Vrede wrote:Since I don't care that much, I'll root for Indy with you. Go Colts!
I'm shocked your Maryland roots let you forgive the midnight sneak-out. I haven't. I root for anybody playing the Indianapolis pseudo-Colts - even if it's the hated Cowboys or even the not-quite Browns, the St. LAuis Rams or the Tennessee Oilers.

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