2016 Elections

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Re: 2016 Elections

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To: Chuck.Edwards@ncleg.net

The special legislative session in Raleigh was called to provide relief
funds after Hurricane Matthew and Western NC fires, PERIOD, but now the
legislature is extending the session, with no urgent needs identified!
However, House Speaker Moore has allowed NEW bills to be filed until 7:00
PM tonight for votes tomorrow (12/15), giving unconstitutionally inadequate notice
to NC citizens of proposed action—a real invitation to abuse! Legislators
would not have sufficient time to review the bills or consult with their

Change the membership of the NC Supreme Court,
Undermine the authority of duly elected officials to make appointments to
agencies or commissions, or remove executive agencies from the Governor’s
Enact any other public-disdaining legislation just because you’re butthurt
over the elections.

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Re: 2016 Elections

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"... just because you’re butthurt over the elections."

That's a sure way to win 'em over.

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Re: 2016 Elections

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Nobody tries to "win over" haters of democracy, the NC Constitution, public participation and legitimate election results, moron. They must be shamed into submission. That you are too cowardly to address the substance of what your team is trying to do is noted.
Over the past few years here in NC, we’ve become accustomed to the last-minute, late-night, special session trouble that the Republican majority causes in the NC General Assembly. Last time it was HB2.

This time, believe it or not, it could be even worse.

After concluding their special session this afternoon for flood and fire disaster relief, the Republican majority decided to call themselves into another special session. The imminent disaster they are trying to remedy? The election of Roy Cooper.

We need people to come out tomorrow to show our absolute opposition to this plan.

In the course of only a few hours, more than 25 bills were filed, ranging from the ridiculous (legalizing the sale of pet turtles) to the downright dubious (stripping the Governor of appointment powers and forcing cabinet positions to have Senate approval, and even changing how the NC Supreme Court can hear cases). To be blunt, this is a crass partisan power grab, designed to undercut Cooper’s ability to govern.

It’s wrong, it’s ugly, and parts of it are quite likely unconstitutional, but it’s happening nonetheless.

At 10:30am, there will be a press conference with flood victims, who feel manipulated as they have been treated like political pawns. Your presence and show of support will help strengthen the message that voters across the state need to see and hear. RSVP on Facebook here.

We’re also hearing that anything and everything these politicians Raleigh can do to weaken Gov-elect Cooper is on the table. But nothing has been decided – this is not done yet.

Please do you best to come out tomorrow, pack the General Assembly, and make it clear that we want leadership from our elected leaders, not overreach.

Kevin Rogers
Action NC
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Re: 2016 Elections

Unread post by O Really »

Mr.B wrote:"... just because you’re butthurt over the elections."

That's a sure way to win 'em over.
Nobody expects to win 'em over. Just give 'em a warning that they're being watched and people know who they are.

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Re: 2016 Elections

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Careful, perverted, nutsack obsessed (nttawwt), crybaby Mr.B will start whining that we're ganging up on him. That's how he is when he has no response to similar facts or logic posted by more than one person.
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Re: 2016 Elections

Unread post by Mr.B »

O Really wrote:
Mr.B wrote:"... just because you’re butthurt over the elections."

"That's a sure way to win 'em over."
"Nobody expects to win 'em over. Just give 'em a warning that they're being watched and people know who they are."
Personally, I don't care. I laugh watching people like Vrede getting their panties in a wad over politics; firing off petitions, letters, "I want" letters, etc. Nothing like a "I'm gonna make 'em change the world for me because I'm special" attitude.

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Re: 2016 Elections

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote:"Careful, perverted, nutsack obsessed (nttawwt), crybaby Mr.B will start whining that we're ganging up on him. That's how he is when he has no response to similar facts or logic posted by more than one person."
So far, all the whining has come from your camp.
Last edited by Mr.B on Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2016 Elections

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At least NC doesn't give the crazies open season on tinkering with the Constitution every 20 years.
http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/s ... on/2305782

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Re: 2016 Elections

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In NC the crazies openly violate the Constitution every year, then get shot down by the courts after wasting a bunch of our money.
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Re: 2016 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:Nobody tries to "win over" haters of democracy, the NC Constitution, public participation and legitimate election results, moron. They must be shamed into submission. That you (Mr.B) are too cowardly to address the substance of what your team is trying to do is noted.

Lawmakers look to limit Cooper’s power as governor (and much more)

Temper tantrum over losing.
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Re: 2016 Elections

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Some are using stronger words:
The docket was filled with 21 House bills, some of which stripped Democratic Governor Elect Roy Cooper of substantial control over the executive branch. This is a coup attempt, an effort to undermine the results of a highly scrutinized election."

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Re: 2016 Elections

Unread post by Mr.B »

Left wing Dems tried the same b.s. with GOP Gov. Martin back in the day.
Coservative-leaning Dems in Eastern N.C. helped him to get re-elected.

Another reason to despise politics, bickering and sore losers.

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Re: 2016 Elections

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During a lame duck special session dishonestly called for disaster relief and with no opportunity for public involvement? Or are you just making up BS to rationalize what the democracy-hating NC GOP is now doing?
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Re: 2016 Elections

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Proposal to split NC elections boards between political parties moves ahead

Proposed cuts to Gov.-elect Roy Cooper’s appointment powers passes NC House in 70-36 vote
2 former NC governors criticize GOP efforts to strip executive power

Former North Carolina governors Jim Martin and Jim Hunt on Thursday criticized Republican lawmakers for trying to dilute the power of incoming Gov. Roy Cooper.

Martin, a Republican, said some GOP legislative proposals go “too far.”

The Republican-controlled General Assembly, meeting in special session, is expected to vote this week on measures that would make sweeping changes to the governor’s authority and affect state courts and boards that oversee elections.

The two former governors specifically targeted measures aimed at the incoming governor.

House Bill 17 would prevent Cooper from appointing any members to the boards of trustees for schools in the University of North Carolina system.

It also would dramatically reduce the number of Cooper’s administration appointments from 1,500 to 300, a decrease of 80 percent. The House passed the bill Thursday.

“I think they’d be going too far in taking away appointments to … the UNC system,” Martin told the Observer.

“I am very, very concerned,” said Hunt, a Democrat who served four terms in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s. “I’m afraid if allowed to stand, it will result in education being much less effective in North Carolina, hurting the people and economy of our state.”

Two years ago Martin and Hunt joined Republican Gov. Pat McCrory in a lawsuit against the General Assembly over appointment powers. In a 6-1 ruling last January, the state Supreme Court sided with the governor.

In their argument to the Supreme Court, McCrory’s lawyers, led by Charlotte attorney John Wester, invoked the Founding Fathers in calling the separation of powers the cornerstone of the American system of government.

In its ruling, the high court referred seven times to the governor’s constitutional duty “faithfully to execute the laws” of the state, Wester said Thursday. He said any new laws limiting the governor’s authority would be judged against the court’s standard in the separation-of-powers case.

“In articulating that standard seven times in the chief justice’s opinion,” Wester said, “ we see a clear focus on the governor’s duty and the court’s resolve in protecting it.”

Hunt said the current GOP proposals are “even worse in terms of violating the constitution and trying to take executive powers away from the governor.” ...
You can bet that hypocritical, butthurt loser McCrory gave his advance blessing to the NC GOP's shenanigans. It's also a pretty safe bet that the courts will squish them this time . . . after they waste truckloads of our money.
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Re: 2016 Elections

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My Hero !!
(according to Vrede)


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Re: 2016 Elections

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http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=97a ... 7c371226e3
Dear friends,

Thanks for your calls and emails to lawmakers this week, joining residents across the state in attempts to hold lawmakers accountable during a surprise special session before the New Year that has received national attention. We wanted to share a brief update with you before the weekend arrives!

More than 30 members of the public were arrested yesterday and today at the General Assembly while protesting the actions of the House and Senate.

Both houses have adjourned until the regular session begins on January 11, but not without passing two bills that shift the balance of power in the state:

Senate Bill 4, which has already been signed by outgoing Governor McCrory, creates a bipartisan Board of Elections agency which will also oversee lobbying and ethics; it also reestablishes partisan elections for state Court seats.

House Bill 17 restricts the number of 'exempt' state employees incoming Governor Roy Cooper can oversee and introduces a requirement for the Senate to approve of the department heads that he appoints This will affect the new Governor's ability to make leadership changes at key agencies like the Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Health and Human Services.

Another bill which included several changes to weaken environmental regulations did not pass, but we will be watching for it - and other threats - during the regular session, and will keep you posted on actions you can take! Working together to protect water, communities, and democracy in NC has never been more important.

Yours for water justice,
Clean Water for North Carolina
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Re: 2016 Elections

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Official: FBI backs CIA conclusion on Russian hacking motive

The FBI is supporting the CIA's conclusion that Russia interfered in the presidential election with the goal of supporting Republican candidate Donald Trump.

In a message sent to employees, CIA Director John Brennan said he had spoken with FBI Director James Comey and James Clapper, the director of national intelligence.

Brennan said in the message that "there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election." ...
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Re: 2016 Elections

Unread post by Mr.B »

2017 is going to be one clusterbang of a year; state-level to national level.

I'm stocking up on popcorn.

2017 is going to be one clusterbang of a year; state-level to national level.

O Really wrote:
Mr.B wrote:"... just because you’re butthurt over the elections."
"That's a sure way to win 'em over."
"Nobody expects to win 'em over. Just give 'em a warning that they're being watched and people know who they are."
I was referencing a letter that made a plea for a change; then turned nasty by calling them butthurt---
but then, what else could be expected from Vrede ... his gentle, caring, tolerant, nature came smashingly through.
Must suck to be him.

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Re: 2016 Elections

Unread post by k9nanny »

There's something wrong with you, MrB.
Mr.B wrote:2017 is going to be one clusterbang of a year; state-level to national level.

I'm stocking up on popcorn.

2017 is going to be one clusterbang of a year; state-level to national level.

O Really wrote:
Mr.B wrote:"... just because you’re butthurt over the elections."
"That's a sure way to win 'em over."
"Nobody expects to win 'em over. Just give 'em a warning that they're being watched and people know who they are."
I was referencing a letter that made a plea for a change; then turned nasty by calling them butthurt---
but then, what else could be expected from Vrede ... his gentle, caring, tolerant, nature came smashingly through.
Must suck to be him.
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Re: 2016 Elections

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