Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Interrupting a White Racial Narrative: Ruling Gives Communities of Color More Opportunities to Tell Our Stories

It’s difficult for communities of color to fight for racial justice if we’re unable to speak for ourselves.

White media owners have always controlled our nation’s media system — putting forth a racial narrative that criminalizes people of color and supports the goals of white supremacy. This narrative has been present since the first colonial newspapers were published — and it continues in the images we see on our TVs and computer screens today.

This is why last month’s federal appeals court ruling upholding the Federal Communications Commission’s Net Neutrality rules is such a critical victory for communities of color, who are trying to interrupt that message....

Even though people of color make up close to 40 percent of the U.S. population, we own just 3 percent of our nation’s full-power TV stations, 7 percent of full-power radio stations and just a handful of cable networks. We live in a de-facto media apartheid system that disenfranchises people of color — preventing us from taking part in or having any significant control over the construction and distribution of our own narratives.

Corporate media gatekeepers perpetuate this structural and institutional racism in their news coverage and entertainment programming, portraying people of color as threats to society....

And as civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis stated in his support for Net Neutrality:
If we had the technology, if we had the internet during the movement, we could have done more, much more, to bring people together from all around the country, to organize and work together to build the beloved community. That is why it is so important for us to protect the internet. Every voice matters, and we cannot let the interests of profit silence the voices of those pursuing human dignity.
... Net Neutrality won in court, but big broadband companies and their Republican allies in Congress are still trying to pass legislation to take it away.

And we know that the same tools that empower movements are used to try to divide and diminish them — through coordinated attacks on those who speak out against injustice, through surveillance of activists and tracking of their social media activities, through misinformation campaigns about what groups like #BlackLivesMatter actually stand for.

That’s why we need to keep fighting to ensure dissident and movement voices can be heard on the internet. Victory on Net Neutrality matters only if it leads to a new narrative and much bigger victories in the struggle for racial justice.
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Oh yeah, net neut can kiss it's ass goodbye. It's going to be great. Just the. best. Dialup may make a comeback! Sell stocks in Netflix.... feel sorry for those guys.

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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Tell the FCC why you love the free and open internet.

The principle of net neutrality has made the internet what it is — a free and open platform with no fast lanes, blocking or throttling; where people can innovate, create, and communicate without any gatekeepers telling us what sites we can visit, who we can talk to, or what we can watch.

New FCC Chairman Ajit Pai wants to “wipe away [the] net neutrality rules.”1 To “wipe away” net neutrality would be to destroy the internet as we know it — and usher in a new era where internet service providers get to decide what content people engage with and what sites we can visit. Gutting net neutrality would enable cable companies and the biggest sites on the net to pick winners and losers — reducing choice, costing consumers more money, and most concerning, enable big companies to censor people and ideas they don’t like.

In order to protect innovation, consumer choice, and free speech online, the FCC must re-affirm its net neutrality rule classifying the internet as a public utility.

1. New York Times, "An Anti-Consumer Agenda at the F.C.C.," February 10, 2017.
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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The petition to Congress and the FCC reads:

"Stop attacking net neutrality. Oppose any actions that would threaten net neutrality and roll back the important protections put in place by the FCC in 2015."
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Sign the petition to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai:

“Don’t kill net neutrality. Preserve the FCC’s Title II authority to protect the internet.”
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Someone has submitted nearly half a million anti-net neutrality comments to the FCC, many of which appear to be completely fake — using stolen names and addresses. This needs to be investigated and stopped now.

Search for fake comments submitted under your name and/or submit a real comment here.
Comcast sent a cease-and-desist letter trying to shut down a pro-net neutrality website.

Petition to Comcast CEO Brian Roberts:

Your company’s efforts to shut down are a perfect example of why Americans don’t trust Comcast with the power to censor viewpoints online. Strong Title II net neutrality protects our free speech online, so it is doubly outrageous that you would try to use your legal and financial resources to silence supporters of net neutrality rather than engage in honest debate. Please immediately abandon your attempts to censor and silence pro-net neutrality activists.
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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banni, looks like there are opportunities and ideas for webmasters:

July 12th: Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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This is a battle for the future of the internet

Comcast, Verizon and AT&T want to end net neutrality so they can charge extra fees to control what we see & do online. On July 12, we take the first step to stop them. This is a battle for the Internet's future. Before you do anything else, send a letter to the FCC & Congress now!
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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When we saw the clock strike midnight going into yesterday (July 12) morning, we had our fingers crossed.

We were hoping the day of action we’d been working toward could pull in an astounding 1 million public comments to the FCC defending the free and open internet, but at that moment – bleary eyes, low on sleep – we didn’t know if we would pull it off.

Instead, the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality saw a staggering 2.1 million public comments generated to the FCC in defense of net neutrality. (At least.)

More reports of numbers are still trickling in, but that’s already 3 times the number of comments during the Internet Slowdown Day in 2014 that helped win net neutrality rules in the first place.

Yesterday was a beautiful sight.

We made it clear the country opposes the Trump FCC’s disastrous plan to hand the internet to Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T.

More than 10 million people saw our protest messages on participating websites, and #NetNeutrality trended throughout the day on both Facebook and Twitter

If you went to Kickstarter you saw a full page message urging you to take action to defend net neutrality. Anyone on Netflix, Etsy, Medium, Reddit saw messages urging them to speak out.

And thousands more sites across the web participated, with pop-ups showing what the internet without net neutrality could look like – your favorite sites slowed down, blocked by your internet provider, or only accessible after paying extra fees – then urging their visitors to take action. (You can view a gallery on Imgur here of how different sites looked like during the day of action.)

Members of Congress heard loud and clear that their constituents will hold them accountable if they don't step in to save net neutrality. Constituent phone calls flooded congressional phone lines and more than 5 million messages to Congress will be delivered over the coming days....

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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Gaetz and Rubio

Do I really need to look?

Nelson will likely vote the right way.
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Correct on all 3. I checked in case one is still a fence sitter like my Sen. Burr (R).
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:27 am
Correct on all 3. I checked in case one is still a fence sitter like my Sen. Burr (R).
He sometimes goes wrong. that's why I said, "likely"

The gaetz guy is a real shit. He has a bill to eliminate the EPA.

Almost forgot the call to arms by his "unaffiliated" pac to come armed and prepared to defend gaetz against violent liberals at his town halls - before he quit having town halls
Last edited by billy.pilgrim on Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:46 am
Matt Gaetz

The law is for the unconnected

From wiki

In 2008, Gaetz was arrested for a DUI as he was driving back from the Swamp, a nightclub on Okaloosa Island, Florida, in a 2001 BMW SUV registered to his father. While he was arrested and refused to take a breathalyzer test, "he didn't have his license suspended for a year when he refused the breath test — as Florida law dictates. And he didn't have that refusal used against him in a criminal proceeding." At the time of his arrest and consequent criminal proceedings, his father was serving as a local politician and he avoided a DUI conviction, despite the fact that the police reported that "Gaetz fumbled for his license and registration, his eyes were watery and bloodshot, and he swayed and staggered when he got out of the car."[3]
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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There's more:
... When his subcommittee was considering legislation that would "keep mug shots of people who are charged with crimes off the Internet until they are convicted," Gaetz brought up his 2008 arrest for driving under the influence, arguing that his mistakes made him who he is and that publicly available mug shots "could be a problem for those unaccustomed to publicity."
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Re: Good explanation of net neutrality and why it affects you.

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The petition to the U.S. Senate reads:

"Block and resist the confirmation of former telecom attorney Ajit Pai – an extreme right-wing corporate lawyer – as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission."
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